Trump Facing Biggest Marketing Challenge of His Career

Donald Trump has never truly been concerned about public policy. What’s worse is that the president is now getting his public policy advice from known fanatics like Lawrence Kudlow and John Bolton.


Trump’s Media Spotlight is Ongoing


With Special Counsel Robert Mueller now hot on his trail and the Stormy Daniels scandal drawing huge publicity, Trump finds himself battling the media and public perception on a daily basis. You could say his reputation management strategies are being stretched further than Donald has ever been faced with before. With many polls suggesting the special elections are indicating a “blue wave” of Democratic takeover this coming November, Trump is expected to do anything and everything needed to win.


Perhaps a Personal Brand Agenda


Trump’s presidency has seemed to always have been about marketing Trump’s brand. It’s what Donald Trump has been great at and prides himself on, after all. He’s a businessman and a self-proclaimed successful one at that. It may be that Donald Trump doesn’t know how to do anything other than promote himself. He’s even done his fair share of content marketing trends apparently, with many of his infamous Tweets on Twitter rising to the top of the social media network and gaining national attention.


As Donald continues to find himself backed into a corner on one issue after another, he’s pushing his team to overcome the biggest marketing challenge of his career. He is quickly firing anyone who threatens his command from his Cabinet and White House staff. His replacements have been proven salesmen that he believes can accomplish this incredible marketing feat.


Fox News Preparing for the Next Marketing Feat


Similarly, Fox News has been removing many of Donald Trump’s biggest critics such as Rich Lowry, George Will, and Megan Kelly. Perhaps preparing to fight the same battle, their replacements have been known successful marketers like Mark Levin, Sebastian Gorka, and Laura Ingraham.


Trump and Fox News are joining forces to accomplish the same goal. Their objective is to overcome this incredible marketing challenge, restore their lost ratings, and prepare Donald Trump for reelection.


Trump’s Pitch is Riddled with Insecurity


Many of us are familiar with the sales pitch of Donald Trump. Liberals are to blame and unauthorized immigrants must be sent home to include Chinese traders, drug dealers, gang members, Muslims, government bureaucrats, and more. Trump’s overarching sales pitch is to protect America, but there continue to be new twists to the story, such as coastal elites like Nancy Pelosi, North Korea, and Hillary Clinton aligning with the FBI to rid Donald Trump from the presidency throne. There’s no tie to tfidf and whether any of his claims are true.


The separation between Donald Trump and Fox News has always been a thin line, but the two forces are expected to merge together entirely in the coming marketing battle.


Fox News is in Alignment


We are all very familiar with Donald Trump watching Fox News and using it for his regular bouts of tweets on Twitter. Just after Fox and Friends criticized the congressional spending bill, Trump responded with a tweet that he was considering a veto of the new bill. It’s like clockwork.


Many suspect that Trump didn’t make Bolton his national security advisor because of Bolton’s expertise or foreign affairs knowledge. Instead, Bolton was appointed because of his years of selling big lies and crazy ideas on Fox News. It could be a considerable help to Trump in the coming months.


It certainly hasn’t hurt Bolton’s cause that he’s been sucking up to Trump. When Donald addressed the United Nations in 2017, Bolton responded with, “In the entire history of the United Nations, there has never been a more straightforward criticism of the unacceptable behavior of other member states.”


Many other cable news anchors have been placed in positions within the Trump administration and will undoubtedly be marketing assets when they are needed. This television presidency is becoming increasingly dangerous and perhaps solely about marketing Donald Trump and achieving a win by any means possible. There are no constraints on what may be said or done, there is no reason, and there is no obligation to the Constitution. Trump is facing the biggest marketing challenge of his career and he’s preparing for battle with Fox News aiding him step-by-step.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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