Types of Decorative wall plasters and benefits plaster mouldings

Decorative plaster mouldings for home surfaces have been in vogue for centuries and it is added to increase the aesthetics of walls and ceilings thus giving a decorative finish to the home interiors. You can see plaster all around us at homes and commercial establishments and it is an innovative mixture of cement, gypsum, sand and water. Highly experienced craftsman create designs and apply them on the surfaces either through pre-fabricated mouldings or apply the plaster directly on the walls and ceilings. The overall effect of innovative cornices and ceiling roses is to increase the beauty of home interiors to several degrees while boosting the value of the property. The Decorative plaster mouldings for walls UK are pre-fabricated and easy to use.

How many types of plasters are there?

Myriad numbers of plasters are available for application and they are used for different purposes and here provide some details on them:

  • Browning Plaster

This type of plaster is an undercoat plaster which is applied on the base for applying paint and other decorative elements. It is like bonding plaster but ideally suited for absorbent surfaces. They are also used to add mass or build up walls and are highly useful construction material.

  • Bonding Plaster

It is also an undercoat plaster on which other materials are added but considering its versatility it is applied in all aspects of building activities.

  • Thistle plaster

It is a finishing coat unlike the other two mentioned, and is always applied last in the plastering process.

  • Carlite plaster

This is also a finishing plaster which is applied on top of a background usually. It can also used on different surfaces before the decorative finish is applied.

  • Dri-coat plaster

It is different from others and is mostly applied for re-plastering a damp-proof course. It also prevents moisture absorption by plastered walls. This however cannot be applied to frozen backgrounds.

  • One Coat plaster

This can work as an undercoat plaster as well as a finishing plaster. It is highly popular because you need fewer steps to apply it on walls and ceilings.

  • Hardwall plaster

This is an undercoat plaster used mostly on background surfaces built with medium density blocks and bricks. It makes an ideal base on which good plastering work can be done.

Benefits of decorative wall plaster mouldings for homes and offices

Decorative plaster mouldings for walls UK are pre-fabricated and are added to walls and ceilings of homes and offices to increase aesthetics and add beauty to homes, offices and room in a durable manner. It is added to flats surfaces to add texture and can be painted to give increased visual effects. You can get the desired effect by choosing paint scheme that matches or contrast the rest of the home decoration. The plaster mixture is poured in to desire type and size of moulds and are dried and taken to the building site to apply. It allows builders to get the desired interior decoration elements right by designing and fabricating the mould and you can get the desired floral design of ceiling roses and cornices from the drawing board and convert the same using moulds of the same dimensions and designs. It saves time and also enables you to get the desired wall and ceiling designs for your building.

Cyrus Edwin

Cyrus is an expert author and writer.He also blogs for their Fans and followers and provide the solution of their query, with this blog he wants to share his knowledge.

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