Understanding How a Chemical Peel Can Improve Your Appearance

Your skin’s appearance can be improved to smoother and less wrinkled skin. This can be done successfully by applying a chemical solution that causes blistering and peeling off the top layer of skin. This is referred to as a chemical peel. It can be of much help when dealing with facial blemishes, uneven skin pigmentation, and wrinkles. Whether it is on your face, neck, or hands, chemical peels can be applied successfully.

For Fort Worth chemical peels, get it from the best surgeon. Kiran Polavarapu, MD, of Polavarapu Plastic Surgery, PLLC, is a Harvard-trained surgeon who can successfully improve the look of your face. This is through a customized chemical peel formula that meets your skin’s specific needs. The following are some of the peel formulas that can be used.

Alpha Hydroxyl acids (AHAs)

It can be used to smooth rough, dry skin, improve the texture of sun-damaged skin, and help control acne. This formula can be mixed with a bleaching agent to correct pigment problems. Also, it can be used as a TCA pre-treatment.

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

This formula can smooth out fine surface wrinkles, correct pigment problems, and remove superficial blemishes. The treatment takes little time, about 10-15 minutes, and the peel depth can be adjusted. However, a pre-treatment with AHA creams or Retin-A may be required. Repeat treatment may also be necessary to maintain the results, and sunblock must be used for several months.

Planning for a Chemical Peel

Although in some states there is no medical degree requirement for one to perform a chemical peel, please find a provider with adequate training and experience to obtain the best results for you.

It is crucial to lay out your expectations on your initial consultation and discuss them with your provider with no hesitations to ask questions for any clarification. During this consultation, the planned chemical peel procedure, its benefits and risks, cost, and recovery period should be well discussed.

Preparations for the Procedure

Your surgeon should provide special instructions on how to prepare for the chemical peel treatment. In some procedures, Retin-A can be used as a prescription medication to pre-treat the skin. Alternatively, for those skins that fail to tolerate Retin-A, an AHA cream can be used.

If your skin is blotchy or has pigmentation problems, hydroquinone can be used alongside prescription medications. It is good to note that the pre-treatment phase can take a while before the actual procedure is carried out.

The Treatment Procedure

Irrespective of the procedure used, the process involves the application of the chemical solution on your face. As a result, the skin exfoliates and peels away, and new, fresh skin is revealed. Different degrees of chemical peels can be offered and include superficial peels, medium peels, and deep peels.


Depending on different chemical peels performed, the recovery can be up to 21 days. However, your provider should give you the specifics during the consultation. After the treatment, it is essential to protect your skin from the sun as the skin becomes more sensitive to the UVL after the chemical peels. Your provider should instruct you on sunscreen application.

A chemical peel can be a safe and successful procedure performed by a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon such as Dr. Polavarapu. Although improvements can be very subtle at first, a general advance on your skin’s texture can be noted through continuous treatment.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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