Understanding How An Indoor Fountain Can Benefit Your Health

After you get home after a tiring day at work, your home should act as a private retreat – a place where you can decompress and unwind. Sadly, however, it isn’t always easy to let go of the stress from your day. This is especially true if your home is noisy because of nearby traffic, loud neighbors, barking dogs, or chirping insects.

After you go to bed, you may find yourself lying awake, distracted by noisy plumbing or by other sounds in your house. What is the solution?

One proven relaxation technique is to listen to the sound of running water. The soft sound made by gently trickling water has been scientifically proven to help people relax. In fact, that is one of the reasons why people typically feel rejuvenated after spending time near a babbling brook or after relaxing on the beach near the ocean.

Unfortunately, it may not be practical to buy a beachfront home or to invest in a property that has a stream trickling by outside. One way to get around this problem is by using an indoor fountain to bring the sound of water into your home. Not only is the sound beautiful but it also has a relaxing effect, transforming your home into a spa-like retreat.


Check out some of the reasons why experts recommend indoor fountains for better health:

  1. Fountains provide natural white noise.

If you live in a noisy environment, it can be practically impossible to sleep. One way to get around this problem is by wearing earplugs that block out sound. Unfortunately, this isn’t always a practical solution since earplugs can keep you from hearing important noises like a crying baby or your phone ringing.

Although there are a variety of different medications on the market that are designed to promote sleep, they often have unwanted side effects or can be habit-forming. Listening to music or turning on a white noise recording can provide temporary relief. However, eventually the music or white noise will stop when the recording ends, leaving you right back where you started again.

A much better option is to bring the sound of running water into your home. Think about the last time that you spent time near a waterfall or at the ocean. Quality water wall manufacture and the soft sound of the water helps block out surrounding noises.

Interestingly, the sound of the water doesn’t have to be loud to reduce the impact of surrounding noise. Scientists have found that the relaxing effect of water has more to do with the rhythm of the sound rather than with how loud it is. One of the benefits of indoor fountains, as well, is that you don’t have to worry about the noise stopping since it goes on continually, unlike a recording.


  1. Fountains create cleaner air.

These days, air pollution is on the rise. More and more people are becoming aware of the negative impact of airborne contaminants – particularly inside the home. In fact, indoor air quality is one of the leading concerns that many homeowners have.

You can tell how much the focus has shifted to air quality simply by browsing the latest electronic devices. Air purifiers are becoming much more common. They are even available at most big-box stores, showing just how many people use them to clean the air in their homes. These machines help clean the air by generating negative ions. These ions attract airborne particles, removing them from the air. Unfortunately, the machines themselves tend to be quite large and they make a lot of noise.

Negative ions can also be found in areas where there is running water. Because indoor fountains have moving water, they are a great source of negative ions. These negative ions can help clean the air in your home, leaving it fresh and purified. Best of all, fountains are much nicer to listen to than bulky, noisy air purification machines. That means that you can enjoy fresh, clean air while relaxing at the same time.


  1. Fountains naturally humidify the air.

In many parts of the country, the air gets extremely dry during the winter months. When you turn on your furnace or heater, it removes moisture from the air. This can cause a number of problems ranging from dry skin to nosebleeds, sinus irritation, coughing, and headaches.

For years now, people have turned to humidifiers when they want to add more moisture to the air in their homes. As it turns out, however, humidifiers may not be the best choice. Researchers have discovered that they often contain mold, bacteria, or fungi. Unfortunately, these contaminants can be released into your air, significantly reducing your indoor air quality.

Although you may be able to control these contaminants by regularly cleaning your humidifier, you most likely don’t have enough time in your schedule to clean it every day. A much better option is to go with an indoor fountain. Thanks to the constant movement of the water in the fountain, problems with bacteria, mold, and other irritants are far less likely to occur. At the same time, however, fountains can help humidify the air, providing clean, fresh moisture.


  1. Fountains provide the perfect way to relax.

For as long as humans have been around, water has served as a source of relaxation. Listening to the movement of water can help ease stress, erasing your worries and putting you in a deeper state of relaxation.

Alexander Dance

Alexander Dance is a full-time freelance writer. He is passionate about the effective habits that make up a happy and healthy lifestyle.

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