Understanding Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery and The Differences Between Traditional Cataract Surgery

Have you heard that you stand a high chance of dealing with cataracts if you live long? This condition is characterized by continuous clouding of your eye’s natural lens, leading to poor color recognition and cloudy vision. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), opines that close to half of the American population develop cataracts by the time they turn 75. It is estimated that 30 million Americans will develop cataracts by the end of 2020. No lifestyle changes or medication can be used to treat cataracts. Dr. Leonard Achiron helps Atlanta, GA residents deal with cataracts once and for all.

Cataract Treatments

If you require cataract surgery, your surgeon will offer two options; laser-assisted cataract surgery or traditional cataract surgery. It would help if you understood the aspects of the two types of surgeries to help you decide which is the best for your vision goals. Both of these methods are safe and provide effective treatment against cataracts and do not have a downtime. We now take a closer look at each one of them.

Traditional Cataract Surgery

In this eye surgery method, your surgeon will start by manually creating a small incision at the periphery of the cornea using a scalpel. He will then insert a tiny lens capsule through the cornea’s punctured part into the area where the cloudy lens is situated. A circular opening will then be created in the lens capsule, where a pen-shaped probe will then be inserted. The cloudy center of the lens will then be broken down using the sound waves from the probe. Crushed pieces of the cloudy lens are then extracted before the artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is placed. Your incision will not be stitched and will naturally heal.

Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery

Laser-assisted cataract surgery uses ultrasound imaging to provide the surgeon with high-quality images of your lens. This data is sent to a computer, from where your surgeon programs the laser to make an incision of the correct depth and size on the exact location in your eye.  Laser energy is also used to soften the cataract.

Your surgeon will then use an ultrasound probe to break and remove the defective lens in your eye before the IOL can be implanted. The corneal incision does not require stitches and will be left to heal on its own.

Differences Between the Two

Laser-assisted cataract surgery uses advanced technology, which further enhances the procedure’s safety and accuracy levels. The procedure can be customized to your eye surgery needs. Unlike in the traditional cataract surgery, where blades were used to make incisions, laser-assisted surgery is fully automated.

High-resolution images from your eye are analyzed using a software that helps your Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center surgeon formulate and perform a fully customized procedure. Your eye is also connected to an image-guided surgical unit, to give your surgeon real-time images throughout the procedure, which further improves accuracy at every angle.

Schedule your initial consultation with your surgeon today and learn more about the available cataract surgery options to help you choose one which will suit your vision goals.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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