Use These 10 Writing Hacks for Better Business Writing

Communication can truly be a key to your successful business. However, just the act of talking is not a successful communication yet. You need to understand how the message should be written, what pain points you want to address and what is the most effective way to reach out to your target audience.

And these are only a few things to bear in mind.

But do not be afraid of business communication, as you can master this skill as long as you stick to our tips and use all of your creativity when tackling the task.

So, read on what 10 things can help you take your business communication on a new level and put them into action right away.

10 things to improve your business writing

  1. Use proper grammar.
    Nothing ruins a good image you created more than poor grammar. People do not trust business owners that cannot spell the words right.
    Global Lingo stated that “74 percent of consumers pay attention to the correctness of the prose on company Web sites, and 59 percent of respondents said they would avoid doing business with a company that’s made obvious errors.” Keep this in mind!
  2. Active Voice only.
    Using Active voice is the only correct way to speak in business circles. In fact, if you do not take our word for it, consider checking all of your texts with the Hemingway app: this program helps you identify whether or not you have too many Passive voice usage cases in your text.
  3. Keep it short.
    Business people are rather busy; it is a no-brainer. Given that “over 50% of respondents say they read “most of” their emails”, you cannot take too much time to your audience. So, cut everything unnecessary out of the email.
  4. Focus on one topic.
    Do not jump from one topic to another. But rather stay focused on one thing. What thought you had in mind when writing to this person?
    That should be the only matter you discuss not to lose your precious and that of the recipient.
  5. Use technologies to help you.
    No matter whether you are a college student trying to develop a good thesis statement or a business person looking for new ways to improve his business communication, our digital age has a lot to offer.
    For starters, use the Grammarly editor or the Hemingway app (and believe us, there are so many more programs to consider).
  6. Seek help.
    You do not have to be a know-it-all in the company. That is why, if you do not know something, seek someone’s help.
    You can ask some agencies to create content for you or take courses to improve your writing. Do what fits best for you!
  7. State your point clearly.
    Do not be vague and uncertain about matters you discuss. There is a thin line between a diplomatic approach to communication and vague writing. So, be sure you fine-tune your message and mention all the essential details in your short email.
  8. Read. Revise. Repeat.
    Before you hit the “Send” button, make sure to revise your writing. You might have made some typos, or used an inappropriate manner. Read the letter out loud to hear what your message sounds like and fix any mistakes you find there. Remember that your writing is aiming to gain readers’ trust and build up a strong positive image. So, don’t blow by not reading these guidelines carefully.
  9. Get a third-party opinion.
    Ask your friend or a co-worker to read your email for you and ask them how well they understood the ultimate goal behind it, how clear and appropriate the manner is and what would they change about it to make it even better and more professional.
  10. Sleep on it.
    Do not send your emails right away, but rather give it some time. You might find a better way to communicate your ideas once you let your mind wander. So, do not rush into anything and think everything over again after a short break.

Business writing can be your key to building successful connection, raising brand awareness and strengthening your company’s image. So, you need to be very careful with it.

Learn how to fine-tune your real inner voice and yet sound professional with our short guide above.

And for real business communication gurus among us, we have a question: What is your secret to great communication? And what can our readers learn from your vast experience?

Share your ideas with us in the Comments area.

Sophia Clark

Sophia Clark graduated from the University in the City of New York with B.A. in Journalism, 2011 She is a creative writer from New York who loves to share her thoughts with readers

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