Want great offers for your house on sale? Get basement waterproofing done!

Not all houses have a basement! And if you have one, then you are sure to get a good price for your place. But again, if there’s water leakage in this area, the price and offer ultimately go down! Isn’t this a valid point to get your basement waterproofed as soon as possible? Well, that was actually one solid reason — there are some more in the list.

How can basement waterproofing add value to your home?

It is important to keep your home maintained and updated even if you are living in it. But if you intend to sell it, the significance of maintaining the place doubles. You definitely don’t want to lose a nice offer just because you missed an important step in this maintenance! Like, waterproofing your basement for instance. If you are carrying out the task of waterproofing in Auckland via Damn Good Tiling LTD, since they carry out the job perfectly for you, the price for the home gets increased automatically. And to know why, read on!

  • It makes your foundation strong — All the buyers who come to your doorstep to view the property would definitely demand to know about how strong your house’s foundation is. And you just can’t assure them that it’s 100% perfect if your basement shows major water leakages. This is definitely going to weaken the house’s foundation and everyone knows about it. But when you’ve done the waterproofing of this area, automatically they presume that the foundation of the building is stable.
  • The home inspection will ultimately show it — Wise house buyers get a home inspected before purchasing it and even bargain upon the price. But as a wise seller have you done the waterproofing of your basement? Obviously, the leakages and water issue in this area will automatically get revealed in the house inspection reports. How are you going to handle the drop in price then? That’s why it’s best recommended to go for basement waterproofing before such a situation occurs and you get a red mark in the house inspection report because of your basement area.
  • The idea of utilising the space is enticing — An extra space in any house is a temptation to all house buyers. They are obviously viewing your basement as the new home office or a gym or a guest room. They’ll definitely agree upon your price because of this temptation. But what if your basement is stinking due to extreme dampness and the water leakage on the walls is quite prevalent along with the flooding on the floor? Obviously, your dream of getting a handsome sum for the house would be shattered. Well, that shows the need for waterproofing immediately.
  • No moulds and pests in the place — When your potential buyers see the basement without waterproofing, they aren’t just viewing only this issue. There is also a chance of mould and pest infestation because of this dampness. Again, this scares the buyers away (while sometimes they grab this opportunity to bargain unreasonably). While a waterproofed basement hardly has any moisture issue and leaves no trace of mould and other such infestations.

Aren’t these reasons pointing practically to only one direction? Yes, you need to get the waterproofing done immediately if you want the house to get sold faster and that too at exciting rates.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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