Want to Expand Your Book Collection? How to Discover New Authors

If you need a book to read by a fresh, upcoming author, you can try coming up with creative ideas. For instance, try asking friends or family, check out Nobel Prize winners, or go to book fairs. Consider these tips on how to discover new authors and expand your book collection.

Join a Book Club

When you join a book club, plenty of benefits await you. These include meeting like-minded people, improving communication skills, and learning about current authors, among other things. Besides this, popular authors often give away free books. Another benefit is meeting new friends who can give you recommendations on what to read next. You can even set up a book swap with your friends from the club. You can rotate through each other’s favorite books to give you even more reading options. 

Read Top 100 Lists

In your free time, consider doing some online research on the top books of all time. For instance, you can look up your favorite genre such as fantasy, romance, or science fiction. These lists often include authors that stand the test of time. A few examples include J.R.R. Tolkien, George Orwell, Harper Lee, Leo Tolstoy, and others. Some of the greatest poets are William Shakespeare, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Maya Angelou, and more. Reading poetry can help you develop insight and empathy, improve critical thinking and memory, and enhance verbal skills. You can also look up the list of current top best sellers. This will help you keep on top of new releases and make sure you don’t miss out on any. 

Visit the Library

You can head to your local library or visit the website. Firstly, try entering different search terms to find different authors and books. You can also browse the poetry section by walking over to the shelves. Here you may find a Puerto Rican poet or another author you might love. If you head to a local library, you might want to ask staff for their recommendations. Many times, they have their own personal favorites and have a special fondness for the books there. Libraries provide a peaceful environment for readers to come across the most current authors.

Head to the Bookstore

By heading to a bookstore, you have the chance to discover classic and current authors. In fact, you’ll probably want to read their publications again and again. Plus, you might want to check beforehand for any scheduled signings by authors you’ve never heard of before. You’ll be able to meet them in person and maybe even purchase an exceptional book. While you’re at a bookstore, a cover might catch your interest. You can pick up books you might not otherwise have known about and widen your tastes. 

One of the most enriching experiences in the world can be discovering a book worth reading by an extraordinary author. When it comes to books, settling should never be an option. Choosing reading material that aligns with your standards is invaluable. If you want to branch out and explore new options, use some of the above tips to get started. 

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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