Welcome to the Era of Electronic Signatures

When it comes to signing of crucial documents, the business environment today demands efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and heightened security. Traditional signatures have long posed time, cost, and security challenges to organizations and are slowly dying out. Electronic signatures are, therefore, receiving increased preference.  An electronic signature provides a secure and accurate way to identify the signatory and assure seamless transactions.

How digital signatures help in complying with GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is the primary legal framework for protecting data in the EU (European Union), requires that citizens comply with the processing of their data. Data controllers must also be vigilant and adhere to the strict requirements for capturing data. The GDPR laws apply to all companies which offer goods and services to citizens in the EU and who have access to their personal data; regardless of their location, size, or their type of industry.

Electronic signatures provide an easy way for companies to comply with the GDPR requirements. Financial institutions and medical companies can especially benefit from these signatures as they hold very high-risk and sensitive data.

Capturing customer consent

E-signatures are a convenient way for controllers of data to capture consent from any device, ensure compliance with the active opt-in requirement, and keep track of how consent was obtained. Most devices favor the capturing of consent as they support different signature methods including click-to-sign, click-to-initial, tapping a signature box, or hand-scripting a signature. As an organization, go for an e-signature which keeps and audit trail of what was signed and the entire process used to capture signatures.

You sign, a European company makes it easy for all businesses In Europe to have legally-binding signatures which comply with GDPR. You can use e-signatures for any legally-binding contract such as on boarding new employees, handling sales contracts, rental contracts, and more.

Additional benefits of electronic signatures

They are simple to use

Signing documents with an e-sign is not a complex process. You only need to upload your Word document and convert it into a PDF. You then upload the document on an e-signature platform such as You sign and sign it.  When you need the document signed by different people, you declare signers and send the document out to each of them in a single click. The recipients receive a secure link with each party confirming their identity before signing.

They are convenient

Companies with geographically-dispersed dealings are grateful for e-signatures.  If you are a company with different suppliers, partners, or even customers in different states, cities, or countries, you do not have to worry about costs of mailing, printing, or scanning documents. Electronic signatures allow all the people in your network to authenticate documents while saving costs. The turnaround times for businesses are also fast, as all the relevant parties can sign the document at a go.

Whether you want to sign your word document online, approve contracts, adhere to set laws, or conveniently collect online signatures; electronic signatures make all that possible. Not only that, you can sign from any device. Now you have numerous reasons why you should quit paperwork and go digital.

Sumeet Thakur

Sam T. is a digital marketer and freelancer on Up work where he talks about digital marketing case studies, tips, techniques, and more.

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