What a Technical SEO Audit Entails

SEO is an evolving process that requires websites to keep up with emerging trends. A while ago, keyword optimisation was critical to page ranking, but it has become irrelevant since Google’s Hummingbird technology. As such, while you may have added 100 pages to your site and used the relevant keywords, you may find that your content no longer draws as much traffic to your site. Suddenly your material is thin and meta title does not have essential SERP characters and so on. It explains the need for websites to engage experts who can perform a technical SEO audit. The audit uses specific metrics and data to identify problem areas on the site. SEO Company Manchester professionals give more insight on the subject.

SEO is an integral part of online marketing that focuses on bringing a specific webpage or website on the top of the list in the search engine result pages or SERPs. SEO is beneficial for online businesses. Especially, small business owners will get the best benefits from search engine optimization. This process helps small businesses to build a strong online presence. In the following section, I have talked about some key benefits of SEO for small online businesses. Quickly check these out now.

What is an SEO Audit?

As different technology is introduced into the market, it changes the way the target audience interact and search for things. It causes things to change so fast such that what is working today may not work six months from now. An SEO audit checks the health of a website and provides recommendations on what should be changed to enhance the performance of the site on search engines. A rigorous review should examine three essential areas.

Competitor Analysis

Analysing competitor sites helps identify features that you may incorporate in your website to improve traffic or other goals you may have. The expert identifies potential competitor sites in the industry and analyses them with regard to rank and keyword targeting. The review helps you determine the most relevant keywords for your target audience.

Onsite SEO

It is an essential component of an SEO audit as it examines all the factors that make a website run efficiently. They include:

  • Meta titles and descriptions
  • Text formatting
  • Images
  • Page speed
  • Content
  • The structure of the site

Content Audit

Content is the most efficient way to connect with your target audience and educate. Keep in mind that you want to build relationships with the customers and encourage them to convert by giving the information they need to make the right purchasing decision. As such, the content of the site should be well formatted, unique and fresh. One of the best benefits of getting higher ranking on search engine result pages is to build brand awareness.  You can only launch a successful content marketing campaign when you have good content. It also applies when you have engaged blogger outreach services, nobody wants to refer his following to crap content. The length of the content should be satisfactory, depending on the topic and audience. A reputable SEO Company Manchester can guide you every step of the way.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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