What Are The Benefits Of Country Side Living

Life has always been a little slower and more tranquil in the countryside than in the bustle of an urban center. There is something about living in rural surroundings that allows us to finally take a breath, relax and appreciate the finer things in life. The advantages of country living have been well researched with studies showing that lifestyle is better for us both mentally and physically. Here are some of the reasons why a move to the country might be in your best interests: You won’t be so close to all those urban temptations like fast-food restaurants and takeaways! As well as the wonderful benefits of being closer to nature, you can also greatly improve your nutritional intake to boot!

  • Better Air Quality

It should come as no surprise that the further away from the towns and cities you get, the more the air quality improves. There is less pollution, a greater concentration of trees and plants and higher exposure to phytochemicals from plants which are good for us. Living in a built-up area exposes us to more of the minute but harmful particles from industry and vehicles. These particles get into the lungs, affecting breathing and increasing the danger of illness. Country air means better breathing and more protection from chronic illness.

  • Improved mental wellbeing

Studies have revealed that our brains actually function differently in the country. City living overstimulates areas of the brain responsible for emotion and stress which is potentially harmful to our wellbeing. Country dwellers are less likely to experience this overstimulation which means lower rates of anxiety and mood disorders, for example. Many park home sites are found in rural locations. For Park Homes for Sale in Bedfordshire, visit a site like http://www.parkhomelife.com/our-parks/pine-view-park/

  • Lower crime levels

Those living in rural areas are less likely to become the victim of a range of different crimes, including assault, burglary, and robbery. This is partly due to a lower population rate in countryside areas but there is also a slightly higher percentage of police officers per capita in rural areas as opposed to urban centers. Whilst crime can happen anywhere, for a better chance of not experiencing a crime, the countryside is the safest bet.

  • Closer to nature

It is no secret that fresh air and feeling more connected to nature is good for us all. Whilst you can find green areas and parks in cities, there’s bound to be more of it in the countryside. Being among the natural world has multiple benefits, including improving short term memory, being more creative and lowering blood pressure.

  • Fresh, organic food

Living in a rural area will likely mean several nearby farms where you can find a multitude of fresh fruit, eggs, vegetables, and organic meat right on your doorstep. The best nutrition for our wellbeing is found in abundance in the countryside, as well as the chance to grow your own. You won’t be so close to all those urban temptations like fast-food restaurants and takeaways! As well as the wonderful benefits of being closer to nature, you can also greatly improve your nutritional intake to boot!

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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