What Are the Benefits of Having an Insurance cover?

Life is always unpredictable. You can be whole today only to wake up feeling unwell the following day. The worst part is that your sickness may be critical with your pocket running dry. This is why everyone needs to have a medical cover to avoid future stress and frustration and sometimes death in cases where one can`t raise the money needed to seek medical services. There are several health insurance providers and you might have a hard time choosing the right health provider. However, iSelect makes it easy for you by comparing health insurance providers as well as policies at your disposal.

Here are the reasons why having an insurance cover is important

  1. Takes care of crucial health benefits

Health insurance literally covers essential health benefits that play a key role in maintaining an individual’s health, accessing treatment services when ill or after one gets an accident. Each health cover available in the market must at least cover ten essential health benefits that include the following;

  • Emergency services
  • Outpatient services
  • Hospitalization catering for overnight stay and surgery fee where applicable
  • Pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care services
  • Prescription drugs
  • Laboratory services
  • Pediatric services and this also includes vision and oral care
  • Management of chronic diseases plus prevention and wellness-based services
  • Rehabilitative as well as facilitative services
  • Substance use and mental health disorder services and include behavioral fitness treatment involving psychotherapy and counseling.
  1. Entitles you to unpaid preventive care

If you have a health insurance cover, you access free preventive care services for instance Vaccination, body screening as well as regular health check-ups. This way, you will always be aware of your health status and vaccine against possible outbreaks. Various health plans in the market today cover several preventive services for instance screening tests, shots all for free.

  1. You are protected from unanticipated extraordinary medical costs

Medical costs keep increasing with every new day but you can avoid spending more money on medical bills by seeking a medical cover. Medical costs can increase in cases of serious sickness or accidents. However, having coverage spares you the mercy of augmented costs. Naturally, high medical bills leave the victims in big debts or even bankruptcy. You don’t have to live in fear of tomorrow concerning your health. Just go for a medical cover to avoid paying too much money. Here are estimated costs for some common medical services

  • Average 3-day hospitalization cost is $30,000-$40,000
  • Fixing broken arm/leg ranges from $7,000-$7500
  • Inclusive cancer care will cost you over $ 1000

These figures can be hard to raise but a cover goes a long way in protecting you from such unanticipated costs.

  1. Pay little money for covered in-network health services

Prior to meeting your deductible, you save lots of money in medical charges. This is possible because an insurance company takes it upon itself to negotiate reductions with different health care providers and therefore you end up paying for your health insurance cover at a discounted rate.

In simple terms, using a network provider entitles you to less pay for similar services with a person without health coverage.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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