What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis?

Sinuses are air spaces that are found in the face which help in reducing the weight of the head. Sometimes these spaces may undergo inflammation and swell; a condition called sinusitis. Acute sinusitis lasts for a short duration and goes away with treatment. Some people in Newport Beach, California develop chronic sinusitis. This is when inflammation lasts for more than three months, even when they get treatment for acute sinusitis.

There are different causes of chronic sinusitis, including infections. When you present yourself to the doctor with symptoms of sinusitis in Newport Beach, the doctor will take a thorough medical history to rule out other causes of the symptoms. They will then examine your respiratory system and run some tests to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment for chronic sinusitis is personalized depending on your presentation.

What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis?

The symptoms of acute and chronic are mostly similar but the differences are the duration which they last. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis include inflammation in the nasal cavity and the production of a thick nasal discharge. Postnasal drainage is a condition that occurs when nasal discharge flows back to the throat. Alteration in the sensations of smell and taste are other symptoms of chronic sinusitis.

Chronic sinusitis also presents with congestion in the nose due to the accumulation of mucus. This makes it difficult for you to breathe comfortably, and sometimes you may have to breathe through the mouth. Chronic sinusitis also causes facial pain on the cheeks, upper jaw, teeth, eyes, forehead, ear, and nose, which hurts more when you touch these areas. The constant need to clear your throat, fatigue, and bad odor from the mouth are other symptoms of chronic symptoms.

If you have symptoms of sinusitis that persist for more than ten days even when you are on treatment, it is important to seek medical attention. Seeking medical attention prevents you from developing complications after chronic sinusitis. Some of the complications of chronic sinusitis include the spread of the infection to the surrounding areas like bones or the brain, causing meningitis. Untreated sinusitis may also spread to the eye, causing vision problems.

What Are the Risk Factors of Chronic Sinusitis?

You are at risk of getting chronic sinusitis if you have nasal growths in your nose called polyps, which block the flow of air and mucus. The nasal septum, which is the wall that separates the two nostrils, may sometimes bend, causing obstruction of the openings of the sinuses and increasing the chance of inflammation. If you normally get allergies, you can develop inflammation in the nasal cavities when you are exposed to these allergens.

Chronic sinusitis is common in people who have a weak immune system that is unable to fight infections. Some of the medical conditions that weaken your immunity include HIV & AIDS and cystic fibrosis. Having other infections of the respiratory system like the common cold or other bacterial and fungal infections causes inflammation of your nasal cavity, putting you at risk of chronic sinusitis.

Other risk factors of chronic sinusitis include exposure to smoke, dust, and other pollutants. If you have asthma, you may be at risk of developing chronic sinusitis. You can also get this condition after an infection in the oral cavity, like tooth infections.

In conclusion, chronic sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses that lasts for more than twelve weeks, even when you are on treatment. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis include nasal congestion, facial pain, bad breath, alteration of smell and taste, and postnasal drainage. You may develop chronic sinusitis after a respiratory infection, if you have nasal polyps, or other medical conditions that weaken your immunity. Seeking early treatment prevents complications.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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