What Are The Common Issues With Solar Panels?

A solar power plant for home is exclusive and hence comes with some difficulties too. But it requires low maintenance, and on a positive note, most of its problems can be resolved with the help of an expert installer. However, diagnosing the problems and dealing with them can be tough for many. If you are aware of the common issues your solar panel may have, these troubleshooting tricks will come in handy to alleviate them.

Damage Or Stains

Stains are a primary factor to cause basic performance issues in a panel. Its efficiency is therefore hampered due to dust particles, pollen grains, leaves, and clutter present in the environment. Although these appear to be minimal, they can hinder your solar power system’s effectiveness in giving a satisfactory output.

The best way to deal with this is through regular cleaning. The dirt layer can cover your panel and result in a reduction of around 5% production every year. So hosing them off twice a year deems beneficial. If you reside at a majorly dusty location, this may require more effort. You can also hire experts for cleaning if the dust particles have thickened and settled down rigidly on the panel. The team will have the proper equipment to do their work quickly and help you avoid injury of any kind.

If you see cracked PV cells or damages, you may not notice it at first as the panel may still operate properly. The glass comes with lamination and remains tough for a good time period. But mostly, the small cracks will eventually get widened, and lower down the performance. In such situations, it is necessary to replace it by consulting with an installer.

Overheating Of System

To determine any sort of temperature issues in your panels, look if there is a heat decline. This normally happens when the panel’s performance is impacted due to high temperature (more than 90). It doesn’t mean that the panel is defective, as this type of issue is seen in general. So when you experience a shortage of power during hotter days or times, a decline in the heat is the underlying problem.

At times, such rises in temperature can simply affect a few portions of the panel system and not the entire. You may also notice rapid damage in such portions than the rest of them. However, it is worth noting that some panels are also made to perform extraordinarily in hotter climatic regions. Thin materials are coated with the mono-crystalline layer in these panels to be effective in heated atmospheres. So you need to take this into account if choosing a panel.

Unsteady Wiring

Unsteady wiring is likely to create sudden electrical problems. You may know that a solar panel system is packed with a wiring network, which links separate PV cells to one another, to inverters, and to home solar batteries. Hence, the connections may get disrupted in several areas. Seeking an expert’s advice deems important to rectify these errors. Experienced installers have proper tools to diagnose the issues, and separate problematic parts to protect other ones from damage. Skilled installers also place a monitoring system. This enables both you and them to check the performance using a smartphone and makes it easier to troubleshoot the system.

Other Issues

If you have checked off all the areas, but still wondering why there are issues with your solar panel, there may be more underlying faults. To have the best solution in accordance with your specific solar panel, it is advisable to have a specialist check it once. In case you are experienced, it is okay to deal with electrical issues, but even in such cases, caution must be practiced. Home solar plants may have complications that can raise problems that are tough to determine. However, they can be resolved fairly with an appropriate team.

If you are noticing even minor issues with your solar power system, you should contact a solar EPC company on an immediate basis. They have a team of experts who will provide you the right consultation and troubleshoot all the problems. Want to install a solar power plant at home? Simply contact Synergy Wave System LLP in Delhi, and get things started in no time.

Niti Sharma

Niti Sharma is a professional writer, a blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She is also an acclaimed blogger outreach expert and content marketer.

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