What Are the Perks Associated with Using Exposed Aggregate for Your Home?

While laying out the sidewalks, driveways, and patios, there are people who use the variations of concrete, asphalt, and gravel. There are various designs to choose but the most important aspect is the finishing process. The finishing has to be perfect. When it comes to the finishing exposed aggregate, it is the popular kind of finishing. You need to learn the working of the concrete. Concrete is the mix of sand, water, cement, and aggregate. The composition of the separate compound varies from project to project. You can make adjustments as per the specific needs and circumstances. After the compounds are arranged in the required quantity, water is poured to the concrete.

Among all kinds of concrete work, exposed concrete is popular, as it adds style and a decorative touch to the concrete. Here the pebbles, cement, and stones are actually exposed when compared to the traditional concrete having a smooth surface. Exposed aggregate can add a visual interest to any of the surfaces due to the diverse colors and random designs.

Exposed concrete is a cost effective way of giving new or old concrete a stylish and appealing look. Apart from the reasonable pricing, the exposed concrete features great strength and superior looks. It is a hard wearing substance used in common areas including public areas, traffic areas, footpaths, patios, sidewalks, driveways, pool decks, etc. You may also use it for a virtual application like building facades and decorative walls. So, we can say that it is best meant for high-traffic areas owing to the durability.

Exposed Aggregate

Key Reasons for using Exposed Concrete

Exposed concrete is a popular choice due to a variety of reasons:

  • In the exposed concrete, you get innumerable color options and texture options, which permits customized look. Here you have the option to seal the finish, clean it. The surface needs less bit of maintenance.
  • The surface is rugged and there is no chance of slipping.
  • The surface is weather resistant.
  • When compared to other kinds of concrete, here you need just the limited tools or materials.
  • The method of laying the concrete is also easy when you compare it to other concrete techniques
  • You can be more creative in case of exposed concrete, as there are unique ways of using it.

Some of them include surface dressing and washed to expose. In the former kind, decorative stones, crushed glass, gravel, quartzite, and shells are used. If the project is smaller like laying garden footpaths and patios, the surface dressing technique is ideal. On the other hand, in the washed to expose concrete, the aggregate forms the part of cement ingredients. Here, the cement fines are stripped in order to reveal the underneath concrete. This is just perfect for commercial and heavy-duty application.

Exposed Aggregate for Home

Exposed Aggregate can be used for Various Surfaces

Patios, for instance, is the great living area although meant for outdoors. After the surface is washed, it reveals a smooth surface. Although there are various types of patios, you may use, which suits your needs. It may also be used for the driveways, as it needs a stable and solid surface. Driveways that use exposed concrete can stand the test of time. When it comes to the driveway, exposed concrete is usually the mainstay. If trowelled in the right manner, the architecture you get is resilient much against the external elements.

So, if you want a strong surface, you can go for exposed concrete. As the surface is rugged, it permits an outstanding interaction with the environment. There is indeed no chance of skidding and the surface can last for decades. The sideway or driveway made from this material is maintenance free. It also offers a versatile approach to construction.

Evan Javier

I am an expert writer, blogger with strong passion in writing for various topics such as Business, Health/Fitness, Lifestyle, Home décor, Travel, Automotive and lot more.

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