What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Pain?

Pain is an integral part of our lives. Right from the time when we are born our body responds to certain behaviour that causes discomfort and evokes a feeling of bitterness. It is an unpleasant feeling that is detected by our nervous system which signifies that there is something wrong with the part of the body that is paining. However, pain can be best judged and defined by the individual going through the discomfort of it.

What Causes Pain in Our Body?

Pain is caused by physical damages to our body. Certain strenuous activities, involvement in a self-damaging act, injury from self or surrounding etc. are some of the reason why pain could occur in our body. Pain is caused by a series of signals or messages that are transmitted to our nervous system. Whenever we get hurt the pain sensors in the body part gets activated and sends the message to our nervous system. The pain is further process through our brains. While of these pains can disappear with few days after healing of the injury, some might lurk around for weeks and months. These lingering pains for a long time are known as chronic pains.

According to doctors, chronic pain is defined as a kind of unpleasant bitter pain that lasts up to 3 to 6 months. This is enough to affect your day to day life and your mental health as well.

# 1. What Causes A Chronic Pain?

Chronic pains are different from the normal acute pains which last for a few days. These usually begin due to a past injury or damage to the body or perhaps due to severe health conditions. Some reason that can cause chronic pains are

  • Physical damages in past
  • Nerves damage
  • Diseases
  • Infections

# 2. What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Pains?

Chronic Pain

Chronicle pain can range from mild to strong depending on its severe its condition. Sometimes the pain can be intermittent can come and go. The pain continues to bother for a long time up to 6 months and might get back after a short period of relief. It has a tendency of rising in a certain part of the year mainly in winters and continues all over it. Here are a few symptoms that can define a chronic pain.

  • Dull and constant aching
  • Burning sensation
  • Stiffness
  • Sore muscles
  • Squeezing in the muscles

Sometimes the chronic pain may be accompanied with more than just pain. These could include physical impact such as

  • Sleeplessness
  • Tiredness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness and Dullness
  • Low energy level.

It is important that you diagnose the pain and with your judgement decide whether it is an acute or a chronic pain. You can easily know the type of pain by looking at the symptoms. An acute pain can be overlooked as it takes a few days to heal itself completely and doesn’t pose any danger. However, if you detect a chronic pain you must immediately see a doctor.

A series of tests could be conducted to find the root of pain followed by medications depending on how severe the pain is. It is important to go through the phase with diligence and not to skip any process as it leaves the trails of pain back and cause trouble later in life again.


Chronic pains are serious than it appears to be. It’s not just the part of the body than pains but there could be more serious underlying causes. Thus, it is something not be ignored and must be cured as soon as possible. It can also have a bad effect on your mental health thus causing even more serious concern.

Lara Buck

Lara Buck, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. Here you can see my skills which gives you brief ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes.

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