What are the various types of mental health treatment advice by a psychiatrist?

Mental health problems are the types of problems which are common and can be experienced by anyone. There are different types of problems such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and so on. Mental health affects your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. If you are suffering from a mental disorder, then meet the best team of a psychiatrist in Ludhiana.

Various types of mental health treatment

Keeping mental health in mind we are going to talk about various types of treatment that are mentioned below:


Counselling is also known as psychotherapy as well as talk therapy. In this, the psychiatrist will speak with the patient and identify the main root of the problem. Different types of talk therapy are mentioned below:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy

The talk therapy can conduct with the family, in a group, and individually where an expert will hear the problems of the patient. This therapy is beneficial not only for people who are suffering from a mental disorder but also for those who are experiencing any grief, sadness due to death of a loved one, divorce and much more.


Medications are another method which psychiatrists use to treat the patient. The medicines prescribed by the doctor will help the patient to change brain chemicals. It will help you in removing the symptoms. The psychiatrist will prescribe medicines depending upon the condition of the patient.


SHG stands for self-help group which helps the patient in improving his mental health. The group will support you emotionally and also provide you tips on how you can cope up with this. They motivate you to speak about your problems instead of keeping in your mind.

Other therapies

There are different types of therapies that will help you in treating mental health are mentioned below:

  • Yoga
  • Exercises
  • Writing
  • Listening to good music
  • Art and so on.

The person should do what they like the most. This will help you in staying calm and busy.


ECT stands for electroconvulsive therapy which is a safe technique in which electric currents will be given to the patient’s brain. This technique will also help in reversing mental disorders. This is the treatment which is used when no treatment is working on the patient. It will help you in removing the symptoms. The psychiatrist will prescribe medicines depending upon the condition of the patient.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy. It helps in removing the psychological stress of a patient. It also treats PTSD i.e. post-traumatic stress disorder.

Hospital treatment program

Sometimes the condition of the patient becomes severe that it is treated by the hospitalisation of the patient. There is a risk that patient can harm himself as well as others. So doctors take care of yourself and do the treatment.

Final Thoughts

These are the various types of mental health treatment which is beneficial for the patient having a mental health problem. If you or your loved ones are experiencing any mental disorder then contact the psychiatrist as soon as possible and start the treatment.

Salena Martine

Salena Martine is best known for her exceptional training for a writer. Writing viral Health articles and a Zen Master, a mother, and a 5th Degree Black Belt.

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