What Are You Entitled to When You’re Injured on the Job?

One terrifying event for many people is being injured during the course of their employment. Being involved in a workplace accident that results in an injury can be both very painful and very scary. One of the reasons why is because such an injury can lead to a debilitating disability that can put your future career in jeopardy. Thankfully, the law has accounted for such scenarios. This is mostly done through workers’ compensation insurance. However, what are you actually entitled to when you are injured on the job?

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is designed to help both employees and employers by providing a system in which a workplace injury does not destroy either party. It is a kind of insurance that employers pay for that will pay out for employees that are injured of develop debilitating illnesses while at work. In most cases, employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance in the United States. It helps shield employers from being sued by their employees for such injuries. Instead, employees must seek compensation through workers’ comp.

Who Is Covered?

Workers’ compensation will pay out benefits for many kinds of injuries and illnesses sustained during the course of employment. However, there are some cases in which it will not pay for an employee’s injury or health issues. It will not pay for injuries that resulted from intoxication or drug use. It will not pay for injuries sustained by independent contractors or laid off workers. It will not pay for injuries that occurred outside the scope of employment or company policy. If you are confused about whether or not you are covered, consult with workers compensation lawyers.

What Does It Pay For?

There are many things workers’ comp will pay for. This includes both medical expenses and lost wages. In regards to medical expenses, it should pay for almost everything. This includes the initial ambulance ride and visit to the emergency room. It also includes long term care such as medication and physical therapy. In certain cases, the insurance may even pay the settlement reached after an employee sues his or her employer for a workplace injury. Workers’ compensation can even pay for retraining or vocational rehabilitation to help the employee get back into working condition.

What If the Injury Is Fatal?

Sadly, sometimes a workplace injury results in a worker losing their life. If this is the case for your loved one, you can expect workers’ comp to pay for the funeral as well as financial support for that worker’s children and spouse. The determining factors for dependents vary from state to state depending on the age and health of their children and the spouse’s income.

Overall, workers’ compensation performs a very important function for both employers and employees. It prevents employers from going out of business due to personal injury lawsuits. It also provides injured employees with the compensation they need to recover both physically and financially from a debilitating workplace injury. If you ever have the need to use your employer’s compensation insurance, it would be a good idea to speak to a lawyer to make sure you are being covered fairly.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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