What Every College Student Needs to Understand About Their Personal Finances

College is a time for learning. A great deal of the learning will come through textbooks and lectures. However, a sizable portion will come through experiences you go through outside of class and study time. One of the biggest lessons is how to take care of your money. These are four tips for what every college student needs to understand about their personal finances.


Establishing credit is a very important part of becoming an adult. However, it’s also something that needs to be managed properly. Finding yourself in the throes of credit card debt is certainly not enjoyable. Even worse, it can really sneak up on you. College students, who might be short on cash, will sign up for credit cards. Interest charge can add up fast. So, if you let your bills fall by the wayside, you can end up owing a lot more.

Having a credit card is by no means a bad thing. It can be a very good thing. However, it’s crucial that you know how to use it properly. When signing up for a credit card, make that you are financially secure to not solely rely on it. You should use your credit card fairly often, but not too often. For instance, you might use it for buying a moderate amount of groceries every month. Then, when the bill comes, you can pay it off in full right away. This will show lenders you can be trusted and will help your credit rating.


Higher education can get expensive. Therefore, many people have to take out loans in order to pay their tuition. If you’re thinking about taking out loans, you should make sure you’re making the right decision. You want to find loans that have reasonable interest rates and are able to be paid back in time. Thankfully, there are plenty of options available for you.

Installment loans in Utah or wherever you may live are a great option for paying back your loans over time. You can look for ones that will be available to you and determine if you can pay them back in time. This is important to remember, as falling back on your loans can have very negative consequences. Though it might take some time, it will be definitely worth paying off your loans in full.


Too many people see money as something to be spent, rather than something to be saved. College students might not be thinking of the future, but you definitely should be. It doesn’t even have to be the far-off future either. You can really benefit yourself by saving money on a weekly basis.

You should start a bank account when you’re old enough to. You should also open yourself a savings account. On a regular basis, you should put money into this account. If you have a part-time job, you can allot a certain amount every week. Over time, you’ll see how much your efforts paid off. Plus, saving accounts grow in value thanks to interest accumulation.

Spending Wisely

Just because you have money doesn’t mean you have to spend it. When you’re considering purchasing something, ask yourself if you really need it. Maybe you want to buy lunch at a takeout restaurant. However, you might realize that you could buy a week’s worth of groceries with the same amount of money. Not spending money can teach you all about discipline. This is an incredibly important lesson to learn as you become an adult. It’s crucial to understand how to focus on your goals, and not let irresponsible spending to get in the way.

Financial maturity is essential for your success in life. As a college student, you have the opportunity to learn just how much money really matters.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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