What is insomnia and how to deal with it

insomnia, or insomnia, can be described as an unsatisfactory quality of sleep that occurs even if favorable external conditions are created for it. That is, a person does not sleep, although he lies in a comfortable bed, there is no extraneous noise, light, or other interference. Isolated cases of insomnia can be caused by stress, overwork, or caffeine abuse. They are unpleasant, but still not as dangerous as long-term (more than three weeks) and especially chronic forms of insomnia. 


Causes of Insomnia

adverse conditions in which a person goes to bed, for example, noise, heat / cold, too hard or too soft bed;

change of lifestyle, for example, travel, moving to a new apartment;

stressful situations at home and at work;

diseases leading to pain, difficulty breathing, or frequent urination;

anxiety / depression.


If a person cannot fall asleep in a stressful situation or insomnia occurs several times a year, you can try to solve the problem yourself.

Repeated episodes of insomnia, or a prolonged period when a person cannot sleep, insomnia associated with depression, or if it is not possible to cope with the problem on your own, require medical attention and specialist advice.


What can you do with insomnia?

You may need several weeks to establish a new, natural sleep and wake state. See your doctor if you do not notice any improvement after taking the following measures:


do not drink alcohol in the evenings. Despite the fact that alcohol has a short-term sedative effect on the body, and a person can fall asleep quite quickly after drinking alcohol, nevertheless, alcohol has an effect on the phase of deep sleep. You may suddenly wake up after its effect is over.

Do not smoke, especially when lying in bed. Nicotine has a stimulating effect that prevents you from falling asleep and interferes with the normal sleep process.

Do not drink coffee at all or try to drink less. Caffeine remains in the body for 12-24 hours. Remember that in addition to coffee, caffeine contains foods such as chocolate, cola, and tea. If you suspect that caffeine is causing your insomnia, do not consume caffeine-containing foods at least 12 hours before bedtime.

it should be borne in mind that some drugs disrupt the normal structure of sleep. Many over-the-counter medicines used for colds, as well as those containing pseudoephedrine, have the same stimulating effect on the body as caffeine. Therefore, before taking the medicine, you should ask the pharmacist in the pharmacy how this drug affects sleep, and if it can maintain wakefulness, can it be replaced with another.

Do not overeat just before going to bed. An unpleasant feeling of fullness in the stomach can prevent you from falling asleep. It is better to limit yourself to a light snack. So, you can satisfy your hunger without disturbing your sleep pattern. Many unconditionally believe in the miraculous power of a glass of warm or cold milk. You can add a little honey, cinnamon, or vanilla. For some, a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea is more suitable.

take a bath an hour or two before bedtime. This will relax your tense muscles and you will want to sleep. However, you should not take a bath just before you go to bed, because it will have a stimulating effect on the body and will not let you fall asleep. Try to choose the best time for you.

exercise regularly. So, you quickly relieve stress and feel cheerfulness in the morning. In addition, exercise takes you a lot of energy, and you get tired by the evening physically, which improves falling asleep. But avoid vigorous physical activity a few hours before bedtime, as while the nervous system is stimulated and the normal sleep process is disturbed.

The bedroom should be quiet and dark. If noise interferes, try using earplugs or a white noise device. Some people prefer falling asleep to the sound of a working hairdryer or air conditioner.

The optimum temperature for sleep is 15.5-18.3 degrees. It is also very important for a good sleep that the mattress is sufficiently dense and comfortable.

It is better to refuse a short afternoon sleep. Sleep in fits and starts, lasting no more than 20 minutes, can, oddly enough, act refreshingly on the body. However, longer daytime sleep after 4 pm may affect the normal structure of sleep and contribute to insomnia.

read a few minutes before turning off the light. This will help you relax and make you nap faster.

it is not recommended to count sheep. Counting involves focusing on a specific task. On the contrary, try to imagine yourself in some pleasant atmosphere. Use your imagination to hear soothing sounds while falling asleep.

the bed should be a place to relax. Activities such as watching horror movies, evaluating your costs, and making plans for tomorrow’s work are stressful and troubling, so it’s best to do this in bed.

Jack Dawson

Jack Dawson is a freelance content writer. He has written many good and informative articles on different categories.

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