What Is Leadership and What Are the Attributes of A Good Leader?


Leadership is often used and sometimes uncertain in the field of health care. Leadership is an important part of one’s personality. Although it is not taught in schools, so people need to excel at leadership skills. Leadership is important in every field of life.

What is Leadership?

Leadership can be defined as the willingness to take ownership of an organization, industry or any other institute combine with the intrinsic decisions to make which will be best for the organization, industry or that institute.

What are the skills one must have to be a good leader?

A person must attain certain skills to be a good leader. These skills make the leadership effective. PARAMOUNT Training & Development have also provided training to many young guys who were eager to become leaders in especially in military and nowadays they are true leaders in military. You can also learn these skills from PARAMOUNT Training & Development and become a good leader.

Communication Skills:

The most important attribute needed to be a good leader is having good communication skills. Effective communication ensures understanding and it is not like simply sending text messages or emails.

Communication is a two-way practice, one must actively listen and must be listened. Leaders must practice active listening while others are speaking. Active listening is more important than rather being quiet. If you listen the others carefully, they will observe that you are paying attention and then when you will start speaking, they will automatically pay attention to what you say.

Empathy and emotional intelligence:

Empathy and emotional intelligence are the key leadership attributes that are most of the time overlooked by people. There are ups and downs in life as well as organization or business, so a leader must be emotionally strong. Leaders are normally called upon to deal with challenging and unpleasant situations such as conflicts or other issues, so a leader must be emotionally strong and must have a high degree of emotional intelligence. It is a skill that everyone can develop by proper practice and proper coaching.

Strategic mind:

A good leader must have strategic mind. A strategic and active mind is one of the main attributes of a good leader. A strategic mind is needed to handle the unpleasant situations. Unpleasant situations are the main situations where a leader has to do his part. To withstand with these unpleasant situations, a leader must be emotionally strong enough and must have a strategic mind.

Team-Building Skills:

The best teams have individuals with different areas of expertise and all the individuals of the team are comfortable in proposing their opinions. A good leader is the one who don’t always dominate, he also gives chance to the individuals of his team to give their opinion. He trusts the individuals of his team and allows them to handle the difficult situations. It is the responsibility of a good leader not to dominate.

How to gain good leadership skills?

If you want to enhance your leadership and you do not know where to start from, then you need some coaching and a start up. PARAMOUNT training and development provide coaching and they also arrange leadership and management training workshops. PARAMOUNT training & development covers almost all the Australia.

How the training session will help you?

This training session will help you to understand the following attributes

  1. To understand the qualities of a good Leader
  2. To communicate as a Leader or Manager more effectively and ethically
  3. How to motivate your staff
  4. How to deal with the Issues Involving Employees



Hamza Hassan

My mission is to ‘make a positive difference in lives of people’. I love writing content and I hope I can use this passion to fulfill my mission.

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