What Is The Difference Between Cloaks And Capes

There are some people who are unable to tell the difference between a men’s hooded cloak and capes. Sometimes, you think that a piece of clothing is a cape, but technically, it is a cloak. A lot of people use the word ‘cape’ for both cloaks and capes. There are some similarities between both. Both are made from a single piece of fabric that does not have sleeves and hangs loose.


In This Article, We Will See The Difference Between Cloaks And Capes.


Cloaks are calf-length or full-length. What you see in superhero movies are capes. Capes are shorter than cloaks. They fall to thighs or hips. However, some capes nearly touch the ground. You can see such a version of capes in modern Superman movies. Cloaks have hoods but capes don’t. Capes don’t necessarily have front closure. Cloaks can be knees to floor length. The fabric can be closed to get warmth and protect against other elements. The word cloak is derived from “cloche”, a French word that means “bell”. The top of a cloak is narrower and the bottom is flaring. The word “cloak” also means to conceal.

The royalty, wealthy and commoners used to wear woolen hooded cloaks in Medieval and Renaissance times and before. Peasants used to wear homespun woolen cloaks coming to their calves. Cloaks for peasants were not full length. However, cloaks for the wealthy and royals were full-length. These cloaks were embellished and embroidered of fine silk, wool, velvets and satin to indicate the status of the wearer.

Capes are not very common these days. However, women’s and men’s hooded cloak have made a comeback.

Ancient Origins Of Cloaks 

Nearly all cloaks have a button, broach, tie, or clasp at the neck. Many cloaks are hooded. Some cloaks allow better movement with arm splits. These are the oldest garments. No garments used by stone age people have been found. However, some tools have been found. This suggests that stone age people used to sew fur cloaks using needles made from bones of deers.

People from that time used blankets as bedding and cloaks as well. Cloaks were also very common among ancient Romans and Greeks. Cloaks were also common among Celts and Scots. Cloak for Greek men and women were known as himation. Romans used to call them pallium.

Cloak In Fashion

The popularity of cloaks was at the top in the Late Medieval and Renaissance Times. In 1200s, Italians used to export silk, velvet to other parts of Europe. The Spanish also exported fine fabric. Cloaks made from these materials were very popular. Cloaks with silver and/or gold threads and jeweled pins were a status symbol. The popularity of cloaks was decreased after the coat entered the market. However, people used to wear them in 1920s.

Now satin, silk, velvet and fur cloaks have made a comeback as a fashion statement. People wear them over evening gowns for warmth.

Origin Of Capes 

Capes are not ancient. People in late Medieval and Renaissance times used to wear capes of different lengths. They were used as an accessory for luxury outfits. Now, you can see capes in American superhero movies and comic books.

Cloaks Vs Capes 


They are often hooded and long. You may also find a men’s hooded cloak with side pockets. You can close a cloak all the way around your body. Traditionally, they are used for warmth. In Medieval and Renaissance times, cloaks made from silk, velvet and other fine fabrics were a symbol of wealth and status.


They are shorter, narrower and do not close completely all the way around the wearer. Most of the capes don’t have hoods. Capes are used as an accessory for an outfit.

Melissa Hamler

I am Melissa Hamler, an experienced and professional blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: automotive,home improvement, business, health etc.

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