What is Tunnel Vision? Causes and Treatment

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Tunnel vision, as the name explains, is the condition in which your field of vision is reduced. Under normal conditions, we have an idea about our left and right without moving our heads.

In tunnel vision, you can not see what is on your left side or right side without moving the head. Tunnel vision is also known as peripheral vision loss because your peripheral eyesight is affected. If you face difficulty in seeing objects in sideways, visit a top eye specialist in Islamabad.

What Are The Causes of Tunnel Vision?


Glaucoma is considered one of the biggest causes of tunnel vision because it damages the optic nerve, which is a cluster of cells that communicate between your eye and brain. The optic nerve is responsible for the formation of images.

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis Pigmentosa is a condition in which the retina slowly degenerates because it destroys the light-sensitive cells that collect visual information and transmit it to the brain. It is a rare condition that parents pass over to their children through genes. The children may not feel any symptoms until reaching their twenties. It causes vision to deteriorate by time, hence causing tunnel vision.


People who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, who have post-traumatic stress disorder may get tunnel vision. It may occur along with fast heart rate, sweating, dizziness, confusion, shortness of breath, and muscle tension. However, when the attack settles down, vision may also get back to normal. According to researchers, stress can also lead to eye diseases like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, etc.


A cataract is a condition in which protein accumulates over your lens, hence causing cloudiness and blurriness in vision. Nuclear cataract usually starts affecting from the middle of the lens. However, at times it may affect from edges of the lens, thereby affecting peripheral vision.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment, as the name indicates, is a condition in which the retina detaches from the back of your eye. It shows the symptoms of floaters and flashing lights in the peripheral vision. Healthcare providers consider it a vision-threatening emergency. Therefore, if you ever have it, visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Ocular Migraine

An ocular migraine is different as compared to the one which causes a headache. The person suffering from it may feel shimmer and halos along with peripheral vision loss for some minutes. The good thing is that it is harmless and resolves soon on its own.


During the stroke, oxygen and blood supply to the brain stops. Along with other symptoms like dizziness, slurred speech, confusion, it may also cause a loss in peripheral vision.


Injury and blood loss in the large amount due to it can also cause a loss in peripheral vision.


Alcohol intoxication can also cause tunnel vision.


Medications like nitroglycerin, scopolamine, and many others may cause tunnel vision. Therefore, if you have any eye disease, always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any medicine.

What Are The Treatment Options For Tunnel Vision?

Treatment options for tunnel vision depend on the condition causing it. If it is occurring due to any medicine, stopping it would help in that case. Moreover, if it occurs due to alcohol abuse or concussion, it will resolve by the time.

But if it occurs due to retinal detachment or retina degeneration, ophthalmologists can’t treat it. Unfortunately, there is no available treatment until now that can stop retinal degeneration. Therefore, healthcare providers emphasize taking care of your eyes. For keeping them healthy, you must get eye screening tests done, and visit an ophthalmologist frequently.

In any case, did you realize that pressure can likewise influence your eyes? During this troublesome time when your life feels excessively occupied or troublesome, your eyes can address a cost like the remainder of your body does. Realize what eye side effects can result from an excessive amount of pressure and what to do about them.

What Are Common Stress-Related Eye Problems other than Tunnel vision?

Most pressure caused eye issues are temporary—on the off chance that you have a steady issue with your eyes, regardless of what’s happening in your life, the issue is likely with your eyes rather than your feeling of anxiety. Make a point to see an eye specialist on the off chance that you experience constant eye difficulty.

  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Eye twitching.
  • Very dry or very wet eyes.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Eye strain.
  • Eye floaters.


Tunnel vision can occur due to a variety of reasons. You must visit a healthcare provider as soon as you feel any visual symptoms. Do not ever delay your visit to the doctor if you have a problem with vision. At times, early detection of the disease can help in its treatment. If you have any problem with visualizing objects, visit the best eye specialist in Islamabad.


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