What Makes You A Good Candidate For Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration procedures are elective ones and can be chosen by anyone who feels the need to undergo the procedure. So you can wait for prepare your mind set to choose the procedure. Though the procedure can be chosen by anyone but the feasibility to undergo the procedure needs to be assessed for confirming the candidature.

The consultations should be booked as soon as possible to know whether you are the right candidate for the procedure or not. Hair transplant is an outpatient minimally invasive surgical procedure which is performed by using the hair grafts extracted hair grafts from the permanent hair bearing sites of your own body where the hair density is adequate which are then transplanted at the recipient bald site.

Hair transplant in Delhi has come in limelight in recent years as in the capital city you could find a couple of finest hair transplant surgeons. These hair transplant surgeons are approached by people from all around the globe because of their huge reputation in the hair transplant industry worldwide. The hair transplant cost in Delhi is affordable which could be an added advantage for people to have the best hair transplant at a budgeted cost.

Medispa hair transplant clinic is one of the leading hair transplant clinic in India which is well known for delivering thousands of success stories of hair transplants. The high success rate of hair transplant and astounding natural looking hairline is the specialty of Medispa hair transplant clinic for which hundreds of patients visit us every year. Dr Suneet Soni is among the top tiered hair transplant surgeons of India who has a unique identity in hair transplant world for being the finest hair transplant surgeon to design absolutely natural looking hairline. He believes in genuinely suggesting and taking sound decision for the best outcomes of the patients.

Most of the patients have a doubt that whether they are the right candidates for hair transplant or not. Apparently, this question will surely be answered during the primary consultation after interpreting the following factors. These factors are explained as follows:

  1. Donor hair density is appropriate: Hair transplant procedure uses you own hairs and for that you need to have ample hair density at the donor area for the procedure to be feasible. The donor area selected should possess permanent roots which when transplanted stay for life-time. The common donor area is back and sides of the head or could alternatively be body hairs other than the scalp. Thus, for you to be the right candidate you need to have adequate hair density at the donor area.
  2. Systemically healthy: There are many systemic conditions which could affect the healing process or could be associated with the hair loss condition. Thus, it is mandatory to deliver all the relevant information to your hair transplant surgeon for the best decision making in favor of you and your health. If the patient is systemically healthy then you could be a good candidate to receive hair transplant if other factors seem feasible.
  3. Realistic expectations: Most of the people misjudge this procedure as a miracle and over expect from the procedure. Ideally, hair transplant solely depends on how much hair density is left with you to use them as donor hairs. Hair transplant surgeons should explain about the realistic expectations to the patients so as to make them take a healthy decision and be satisfied after the procedure.
  4. Stable hair loss: At younger age there are high chances for the hair loss to be unstable and have unpredictable rate of hair loss which could be fatal for your hair transplant outcomes. Hair transplant procedures should be avoided in these kinds of patients as hen your newly planted hairs grow alongside the adjacent existing hairs could undergo hair loss which looks like a botched hair transplant. Thus, if your hair loss is stable for more than 3 years then you seem to be a good candidate for hair transplant.
  5. Otherwise healthy scalp: There could be underlying conditions in your scalp which could contribute to the hair loss and should be checked thoroughly during the primary consultation. If there is no underlying pathology in your scalp and the scalp is otherwise healthy then surely you are a good candidate for hair transplant.

For the best hair transplant results and genuine advice, feel free to visit Medispa hair transplant clinic in Delhi and Jaipur.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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