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What Should You Do if the Hairstylist Ruins Your Hair?

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You expect to look better and feel good when you visit a hairdresser. You might be looking forward to some pampering, getting a rejuvenating shampoo and hair conditioning, hot oil treatment or hair spa, a trim or a completely new hairstyle. You do not think that an accident can happen to you while you are at a hair salon. Although unintentional, accidents can happen.

Injuries some people sustain from hairdressing mishaps fall under the general personal injury claims. But since hair damage and injuries are unique, they are categorised as a specialised part of the law. You need to hire a lawyer specialised in hairdressing claims so you can maximise the compensation you can get.

The responsibilities of a hairdresser

While you are at a salon, the salon owner or the hairstylist is responsible for your safety. When they perform any hair treatment, they must follow the required guidelines when using chemicals and sharp equipment and appliances that use electricity. They should do skin and strand testing for hair treatment solutions to check for allergies and hair quality and exercise their professional judgment in choosing the most appropriate product.

What to do when the hairstylist ruins your hair

First off, understand that getting a bad haircut does not entitle you to any compensation. But if there is negligence from the hairstylist and there’s actual damage that was a direct result of the negligence, such as bruises, blisters, cuts, or burns, there is a big chance that you will receive compensation.

So, what steps should you take?

  • Seek advice from a lawyer specialised in hairdressing compensation
  • Keep a record of your hair salon appointment
  • Take pictures of the injury or hair damage
  • Keep photos of your hair before the damage
  • Record the name of the hair salon and the hairstylist
  • Get the names/brands of any hair treatment products the hairstylist used
  • Keep a sample of the damaged hair, if possible
  • Seek medical attention for your injuries, and keep all records related to the treatment

What to do if you get a bad haircut or hair colour?

As mentioned earlier, getting a bad haircut does not entitle you to compensation, but you can ask for a refund or a redo. Understandably, you will be stressed and uncomfortable when you are not happy with what the hairstylist did to your hair.

But it will not go any good to go berserk and make a scene at the salon. The essential thing to do is be polite and stay calm. Your hair will grow back. If it’s a hair colour, give the stylist a chance since they know colour corrections. Listen to the hairstylist’s explanation. They can either fix it on the same day or request you to come back in a week or two to give your hair time to rest before another treatment.

However, rudely demanding to speak with the manager or asking for a refund is a last resort because there is always that tiny chance that your violent reactions will reach other salons.

If you have valid reasons to seek compensation, get professional legal help, as compensation claims, aside from being complex, can take several months or over a year to resolve.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks