What Tech Trends To Expect For The Rest of 2018


You might be losing out on opportunities for growth by ignoring the latest tech trends. The continued shift of the tech world will impact future business operations more and more every year. However, small enterprises often hesitate to adapt to new trends.

People often view innovations such as robotics, blockchain, automation, and AI as the domain for established corporations. Most small businesses will start to follow when new tech trends gain momentum. However, adapting to new tech trends early on will have a visible impact on your sales and revenue.


Marketing and Sales Automation

Adoption of automation tools allows small enterprises with fewer employees to generate quick improvements. One of the concerns is that small business owners waste a lot of resources and time on menial but not necessary tasks. Automation will soon become even more potent as AI and machine-learning technology extend their software functionality.

Small enterprises will start to take notice of automated processes in 2018. More and more companies will begin to integrate their existing systems to speed up their operations. Automation will speed up stock updates, advertising, reordering, and lead management. Automation will enable enterprises to enhance their customer loyalty. Free online platforms are allowing small businesses to automate their management, sales, and marketing tasks. It’s easier to set up online automation platforms and integrate them with your existing software.


Digital Currency

Blockchains come in a decentralized nature that makes it easier to record transaction with reliability. In short, blockchains are electronic ledgers that let you transact in a secure environment at a minimum fee. While the technology underlying digital currency seems complicated, its speed and security benefits cannot be overlooked.

Cryptocurrency is one of the popular blockchain applications, and Bitcoin is today’s most widely used cryptocurrency. One of the easiest ways to prepare for the continued rise in cryptocurrency popularity is to start to accept digital currency payments. While the value of cryptocurrency seems to be in everlasting confusion, getting your hands on some is getting more difficult. Creating an opportunity to gain some crypto now might pay off in a big way in the future.


Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a trend that has been around for decades. It’s an emerging trend that is still in its infancy. Small businesses are yet to realize its fullest potential. Continued dependence on legacy systems has made it difficult for SaaS companies to approach small and medium-sized business market.

However, the range of cloud-computing tools is beginning to change everything. Cloud computing technology is finally starting to create solutions for SMB sector. With SaaS, businesses are gaining access to market updates and cutting-edge technology. In fact, small business owners don’t have to manage the backend. Many of the historical roadblocks have become obsolete, paving the way for a golden era of cloud-computing technology for small-scale enterprises.

Digital payment options, automated application, and cloud computing technology are all opportunities to get rid of an outdated processes and upgrade with an application tracking system and other tech trends. Free cloud computing platforms such as Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive, can be the best place for small-scale businesses to start.


Emergence of New IoT-Enabled Devices

Over time, internet connectivity has become limitless due to the increased multiplicity of the internet-enabled devices. A few decades ago, no one believed they would connect their radiators and AC units to the internet. Devices connected to the internet can speed up arduous tasks, improve the efficiency of your business, and cut its costs.

Furthermore, internet-enabled devices create a platform for a brand to reach its audience segment. Voice-activated devices and smartwatches are making entertainment and advertising more diverse. Google has hit a home run with this. They now offer smart phones and voice-activated assistant devices for use in the home or office. Creating this continuity across multiple devices boosts their brand (and also their bank account). This is something that Apple has excelled at for decades, and other tech companies are starting to catch up.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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