What to Consider When Deciding to Move to the Country or City

There are many important decisions to make over the course of your life and where to live is one of the biggest ones. Many people often consider whether or not they want to live in a city or further away in the country. This is by no means an easy decision, but below are important things to consider before making this key decision.


Access to various amenities


One key thing to consider is whether or not you want to be close to a lot of different kinds of businesses. In a city, there will likely be more bars, restaurants, stores, movie theaters, music venues, and so on. This also means you will be around more people most of the time than if you were to live out in the country. Of course, if you don’t value quick access to these kinds of businesses, this might not be as big of a factor.


The home itself


Another huge factor is the actual home itself. This might include whether or not the home is large or is a tiny urban apartment. Whether or not there is space for a garage, backyard, swimming pool, and patio are also important things to consider. Luxury homes and nicer properties come at a premium if they are in a place that is more centralized in a city of high demand. If you want a large home, they will most likely be less expensive in the countryside though. You will be able to have a larger property and yard in the country as well. Your home priorities will play a large role in deciding to live in the city or country. 


The commute


The amount of time it takes for you to reach your place of work is also important when it comes to this decision. If you don’t mind a longer commute or can work from home, living in the country might make more sense. If you prefer being able to take public transportation or a shorter commute, living in a city might make more sense. Of course, where you actually plan to work in relation to where your home is will be the biggest factor here.


The people


Obviously, the kinds of people that live in these two places can be different. Generally, cities are more diverse and attract a younger crowd. Businesses are open a bit later as well. The country generally has an older crowd that is more family oriented. Small country towns also tend to have a close knit community. This will mean your neighbors will likely know much more about you and your family. They will want to be more involved in aspects of your life. Of course, this isn’t true everywhere so make sure to do your homework before making this important decision.

Obviously, the right answer is different for every person. There is a great deal of analysis about this from others like The Professional Hobo, so make sure to put some research into your decision. In fact, your opinion may drastically change over time so keep an open mind in this important search.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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