What to Expect After a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The desire to have a curvaceous body and a rounded derriere has grown in popularity over the past few years. The 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ report revealed a surge in butt augmentation procedures by 19% with 24,099 records compared to the 20,301 recorded in 2017. BBL surgery is, however, risky and has been cited as the most dangerous aesthetic procedure. This is why you must always do your research and only have it performed by a board-certified surgeon. If you are planning on getting a Brazilian butt lift, then you should reach out to Dr. Michael Macdonald of the Aesthetic Surgery Center, an experienced surgeon who has performed countless successful BBL procedures.

Before going for your BBL surgery, your surgeon will let you know about the recovery instructions you must follow to help maximize your results as well as what to expect. Here are some of the things you should know about your BBL surgery

Your butt might look more prominent during the first few days

You will experience swelling immediately after the surgery, making your butt look abnormally huge. This happens because the operation involves fat grafting, and the doctors will always deposit more fat because some of it gets ‘lost’ into your bloodstream. It’s only after six weeks that your butt will retain proper symmetry.

It’s not a ‘one size fits all’ procedure

Every procedure is different, and the recovery time will also differ. Some people can resume their normal activities in just a few days, while others will take weeks. This is why it’s crucial to follow all the recovery instructions.

Here are some of the aftercare instructions to follow

  • You must wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and encourage the healing process.
  • No sitting immediately after the surgery. You must not sit during the first few days after surgery till the fat has settled in your tissues. This means that you can’t drive or sleep on your back as well. Once the grafted fat has settled, your doctor will recommend getting a BBL pillow to sit on at all times until full recovery. These pillows contain foam, which reduces the pressure exerted on your butt, hence increases the chances of fat survival after a BBL procedure. It’s advisable to buy a different type for every recovery phase.
  • Hydration is key. Staying hydrated not only reduces swelling but also speeds up the healing process. You should drink both water and sports drinks such as Gatorade, which contain electrolytes that are essential for normal body functioning.
  • Stock up on adult diapers and pads. It’s common to see fluids coming out of the incision site during the first few days. Adult diapers will not only prevent infection but also prevent leakage of these fluids onto your clothes or sheets.
  • Don’t skip your pain medication. Your doctor will prescribe oral medication to help ease the postoperative discomfort. Some of these include Ibuprofen, and supplements such as vitamin C, Bromelain, Arnica, and Benadryl
  • Invest in an excellent antibacterial wash. Surgeons recommend going for a natural antibacterial body wash to reduce the chances of infections.
  • Avoid smoking and follow a healthy diet to avoid liquid retention and swelling.

You might have to change your wardrobe once the results kick in

Yes, you read that, right! Your favorite jeans will most likely not fit since your butt is going to be significantly bigger. Therefore, you should set aside some money for your post-BBL shopping spree.

Finally, although postoperative care seems like a lot to handle, your doctor should help you every step of the way. The team at the Aesthetic Surgery Center offers patient-centered care both during and after the BBL procedure to help their clients achieve satisfactory results.

Albert Adam

Hi, I'm Albert. I'm very passionate about my work. Even I'm very fond of blogging as it enhances my knowledge about the various aspect of the internet.

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