What Video Games Can Teach Us

Video games can profoundly influence your overall development Kids and adults alike do play them during their free time. Parents or guardians who do watch their kids play games like Runescape Gold Need for Speed and other games do often question themselves or want to place the same questions to some relevant authorities who came up with these games. Many people in America blame the action-packed games designed for entertainment, as the reason n why teens and youngsters hold up guns and cause mass shootings in different parts of the country. However, this is not the complete truth.

Various researches over the last few years on the psychology of gamers have been done and it came up with some surprising results. So, to put such worried parents to rest, here are qualities of video games that would be beneficial for their kids which they may not have known before.

1. According to various lead researchers of this subject, video games are an effective way to teach children who are having a hard time adjusting to rigid class schedules as the video interface ignites excitement and eagerness to solve various education-related riddles present there which teaches them.

This is useful for children suffering from ADHD who have concentration issues under normal circumstances which can improve by playing games. House, Nintendo, animal crossing, apple arcade, Scott stein, overcooked, Ubisoft are some top video game types that children like to play.

2. Computer games can improve reading skills. For instance, in some games, the players as characters are being asked to follow instructions which run a quick pace across the screens which the readers are supposed to read and understand as much as possible before the next instruction pops up on the screen. In this manner, kids or teens do learn to read their notes or chapters in their books and quickly. The gaming characters were also loved by the people. One such iconic character is Yoda. There are so many Funny Yoda quotes that are a must-read.  Their reading skills are noticed to be better than the average kids of their age.

3. These games can also teach us many of the life or work skills we tend to learn or fail at some point. For instance, in games like Mario have been modified by companies to teach their apprentices or interns various work-related techniques. According to researchers, game-based assessments can give the hiring managers of the company an idea about candidates’ creativity, intelligence, and many more qualities which is not so easy to understand.

4. Another way computer games can help us by someday integrating these along with student’s assignments. Similar concepts as this one are already being used by scientists and army professionals to simulate several situations before implementing them in the real world. For instance, the new ballistic missiles that are being introduced by various manufacturing corporations are being simulated via customized computer games so that their range can be tested. Also, kids can nowadays access websites where they can interact with other kids -some social media to solve their homework problem but the interface of this site is much less of an actual social media site such as Facebook or Twitter and more of a computer-based game.

5. These games can also help improve relationships between kids and adults. Among the various methods to improve such relationships, this is one. For instance, if a father busies with his work outdoors and does not get much of the time to spend with his children, getting involved in one of their games when he is at home will help them bond along.

6. Video games have proven to have a positive impact on visual skills. With an experiment done with a group of teens by the University of Rochester, it has been seen that those who played the games had a better sense of monitoring situations around them compared to the control group. According to one of the leading member of the study, the lessons being provided to these virtual games helps to learn quickly and stay intact in the memory for much longer periods compared to theoretical explanation of the same. This is the reason pilots or soldiers are being taught the skills of their respective positions via simulation of the actual events possible with video games. This is also being used by medical professionals to both teach and learn new or existing medical techniques.

After discussing various points on how video games can be helpful, it is seen that there is a lot to learn from games but also at the same time it is important not to harness the negative qualms that can generate from over-dependent on them.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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