What You Can Do With a Dance Degree

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Your family might say that a dance degree is a sure path to the unemployment line. However, that’s not necessarily the case. People understand that the arts are essential to their mental well-being, and most medium- to large-size cities have a thriving dance and arts scene. Read on to learn what you can do with a dance degree.

Dance Notation and History

A dance degree could prepare you for a highly specialized career in dance notation or dance history. Dance notation involves recording or preserving the choreography of dances. There are two methods of dance notation, explains The Balance Careers. These are Benesh and Laban, and they require special college-level training. You could also become a dance historian. People who earn a degree in dance may select a minor in history, anthropology, or sociology. This would prepare you for a career working in museums and art centers that teach the history of dance styles, costumes, ceremonies, and the music used in specific types of dances around the world.

Perform at Special Events

If you want to work as a dancer, you could join a group of dancers for hire. These groups often perform at special events, such as ceremonies, parties, and weddings. You might perform indoors or outdoors. If you know a specialized dance technique, such as pointe ballet or Irish dance, you may be able to find work based on your area of expertise.

Choreograph Theater and Videos

Music videos are still a thing. They capture attention and inspire people. If you love to dance and music you could become a choreographer of dance for film and video productions. You could work on a wide range of projects, from musicals at community theater groups to New York City’s Broadway. Musicians and bands also look for choreographers for their video productions. Movie and film producers may include dance sequences that require choreography. If you have some experience in the film, television, or media production industry, this could be a good fit for you.

Teach the Fundamentals of Dance

You might prefer to go on your own after earning a dance degree. You could become self-employed and open your own dance studio. Some community centers, senior centers, and other nonprofit organizations hire dance teachers for enrichment classes. These are often done on a per diem or freelance basis. You may even set up your own business going into the homes of children or adults to teach private dance lessons.

Arts Management or Administration

Organizations centered around dance or the arts in general need management and administration specialists. With a dance degree, you’ll know what it takes to successfully get funding, write grants, and choose the right marketing people. Arts management will require some business and human relations classes.

Arts Teacher

Although some school districts have reduced their non-core classes, others recognize that the arts are an integral part of education. With your dance degree, you could become an art teacher. You’d still need to meet all the educational and licensing requirements of a teacher in your state. There is preschool to college-level classes you could teach at public or private educational institutions.

Fitness Instructor

Dance as a form of fitness is becoming more popular. Belly dancing, pole dancing, and hip-hop dancing are physically vigorous and burn a lot of calories. These dance techniques tone the body’s core muscles. You could be a fitness instructor focusing on dance techniques.

Arts Facilities Operations

With a dance degree, you could work in the operations, marketing, or social media of arts organizations. Your dance experience could be a boon for connecting with and interviewing dancers and choreographers. If you like the business side of the arts, you will find many opportunities for communications, fundraising, and advertising for arts councils, private art museums, and similar facilities and organizations.
You may want to consider a minor in finance, business, technology, or another technical area to go along with your dance degree. Doing this could give you something to fall back on if you’re self-employed or work as a freelance or gig dancer. If you become physically unable to continue a dance career, your degree and experience will still give you many rewarding opportunities.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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