What You Need to Know and Prepare for Before Surgery


Some surgeries might be routine, but it doesn’t necessarily make the person whose going to get surgery feel “normal” about it. It’s okay if you don’t. Being ready will help you to feel a lot better about it. Outlined below are some ways to get ready for surgery.


Mental Preparedness

Whatever type of surgery you’re going to have done, you will want to be ready for it. Some surgeries are more invasive than others, so it feels like there is a different level of preparedness. For instance, bariatric surgery New Jersey is less intensive than a hysterectomy. Like any other injury, it can help to face your surgery with the mindset that you’ll get through it. Look at the positive side of surgery that it will help you to fix something to help you to be healthier.



Talking about your feelings with others can help you to work out mixed emotions and thoughts before your surgery. Let others know how you’re doing and what you would like done. If you need a great amount of support, it’s time to make that known. If you are okay with your upcoming surgery, let others know that too. At the end of the day, others need to support you with what you need most. Talk with your team of doctors and anesthesiologist if you have any concerns. Learn as much as about your procedure and aftercare that you can.


Make a Checklist

Beyond talking with your doctors, others and preparing yourself mentally for surgery, you need to make a checklist of everything you need to do before you have surgery. For instance, if you have any work to do ahead of time or need to make arrangements to have someone help you to walk your dog or anything else, now is the time to set that up. Also, if you’re going to be in the hospital for any length of time, you’ll want to have certain things with you. You might want plush socks, cream, something to read, something to watch, a USB cable or other accessory to help charge your phone and anything else you can think of to help you remain comfortable.



Your doctor will let you know about your discharge instructions, but to give yourself peace of mind ahead of time, expect that there will be some amount of pain. However, it’s advisable to keep your pain levels down to aid in recovery. Being in pain causes the body to tense up, which gets in the way of healing. Once pain levels rise, it’s hard to get them back down. Be honest about your pain levels. If you’re used to a high level of pain, it’s useful to look at the little face chart they have to give you an idea of your pain level. Either pre cook your meals and freeze them now, or arrange for friends and family to cook for you. It’s important for your recovery to eat healthy food. You want to drink a considerable amount of water, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and you want to eat a lot of protein to aid in healing your body. Keep your incision site clean and dry. Follow your doctor’s wound instructions.


Physical Preparedness

If you’re on an aspirin regimen, your doctor should tell you when to stop taking it. For some procedures, it’s okay to take it, but for others that are more intrusive, you should stop taking it days and possibly a week ahead of surgery. Take walks, enjoy meditation, and find other healthy activities to engage in that will help your body to be healthy before surgery. This can help you to recover from surgery quicker.


Surgery is never fun, but it’s necessary. You’ve been through so much in life, and you’ve been strong in difficult times before. Prepare what you need to before your surgery, and take it easy after your surgery. You can do this.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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