What You Need To Know Before Getting Dental Implants

If the term ‘Dental Implants’ has piqued your curiosity then you have definitely started searching for images online.

Although dental implants may look scary, they are good alternatives to dentures especially when they do not fit well or your teeth do not accommodate dental bridges.

Dental Implants are very reliable but because there is significant healing that takes place for the jaw after you have one fitted, this can take months.

Here a few things you should know before you decide to get them.

When does one need dental implants?

The main reason for dental implants is tooth loss. Tooth loss could be caused because of a variety of reasons like tooth decay, injury to the tooth, periodontitis, loss of teeth due to aging, and other such reasons.

Your dentist may also give you other options such as dentures or dental crowns.

Why Dental Implants are Better

Let’s talk about some of the perks of having dental implants as compared to other options.

  1. One of the main reasons for dental implants is to keep the teeth structure intact. When one or more teeth go missing, the teeth surrounding the gap tend to move. This gives you crooked looking teeth which could be not so pleasing to the ordinary person.
  2. Dental Implants can also last a lifetime if you maintain good hygiene and dental care. They rarely ever need to be replaced.
  3. They look natural looking and strong. Unlike treatments like dentures that can cause slurring during the speech, implants improve speech and comfort which leads to better self-esteem and confidence.
  4. You can eat like normal. Since the implants are strong enough to last a lifetime, they allow you to eat normally without making any major lifestyle changes.

The Cons of Dental Implants

Now that we have covered the pros, let’s speak of the cons.

  1. Getting Dental Implants is a long process. The recovery period can take up to 2 months or so. This means maintaining dental hygiene is extremely crucial during this time. In certain cases, you may even require a bone graft if your jaw bone is not strong and this could take weeks to be constructed depending on the size.
  2. Dental Implants are also costly and some insurance providers do not cover this procedure.
  3. It is not advisable for those with a titanium allergy or who have bad gums. People with a titanium allergy can feel ill from the side effects. Most patients with titanium allergies do not know that they have one before this procedure. As for bad gums, you must have healthy gums so that there are no issues during the implant process and it can be fixed tightly.
  4. There is a possibility of infection at the implant spot. Although Dentists are thorough and use antiseptic, patients can show symptoms of an infection within a month or two if they do not follow proper post-surgery guidelines.
  5. It can cause complications such as nerve damage and cause pain or a tingling sensation and in certain cases even numbness.

How to Prepare

So now that you know whether you want to get them or not by weighing the pros and cons, let’s take a look at how you could prepare for the treatment

Getting dental implants is considered as one of the major dental surgeries and will involve a few specialists.

  1. You need to get a dental x-ray or 3D scan of your mouth to understand the natural alignment of your teeth.
  2. Inform your dentist of your medical history, check for any allergies like a titanium allergy which is important since the implants are generally made of titanium.
  3. Discuss the plan of treatment with your doctor, the timelines, expected recovery time and if you may need any lifestyle changes.


Like any regular surgery, post-surgery has a few discomforts if not many. If you’ve ever had a wisdom teeth removal or a root canal treatment, then you would definitely be able to relate.

After effects such as swelling of the face, bruising of the skin or the gums near the implant site, pain and minor bleeding are common. Your dentist will prescribe you painkillers depending on the intensity of the pain.

In some cases, you may require multiple stages and the surgery will not be complete in one session, in that case for every stage you may be required to eat soft foods, soup, or ice cream (yes, the perks of getting a dental treatment) until the site heals. Some dentists may use stitches that dissolve so you do not have to go back to get them removed. But nothing to worry about, if you have stitches that need to be removed by your dentist, it doesn’t hurt.

Regardless of what procedure you may have gotten, a few things are a must after you have healed from the dental implant. You must maintain healthy oral habits and have good oral hygiene. Remember to schedule regular dentist appointments for cleanings and to see the progress. If you grind your teeth, consult your dentist so they can suggest alternatives or ways to eliminate the issues. Lastly, refrain from tobacco as much as possible as they damage your gums and healthy gums is one of the most important aspects of good dental health.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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