What You Should Know About Vaping


Vaping has evolved far past the phase of mediocrity and has graduated to a high quality product, equal to that of the cigarette market. Clunky over-sized batteries have morphed into sleek portable devices that one can feel proud to own. Electronic cigarettes or E-Cigs are now at the cutting edge of tobacco products, trumping regular cigarettes in function, design and health. This makes it an obvious choice now for the nicotine connoisseur, offering numerous options that a Marlboro Red simply can not compete with.



For many people, the highlight of these new devices is the option to choose both the nicotine strength and the flavor, something that was previously unavailable to smokers. A combination of two different kinds of glycerol also allows users to decide how thick, harsh, or cloudy they want their vapor to be, giving to choice between a powerful throat hit versus a smooth, rich,and flavorful experience. Universally fitting batteries, tanks,and mouthpieces allow for endless customization of both style and function with a more high powered battery providing larger hits and an an addable mouth piece giving the option for more flavorful vaping with a drip tip e cig. For the heavy nicotine user, vaping is almost certainly the best choice as you can greatly increase the strength of your juice through the discovery of nicotine salts, a more effective way to deliver high amounts of nicotine to the body. The industry is at the point where they can comfortably put a pack of cigarettes worth of nicotine into a capsule approximately one inch by one inch. This allows for a user to enjoy the same feeling of smoking a pack without the pains and potential illnesses that come with consuming that much tar and other chemicals.



There is still much debate around the health issues that electronic cigarettes might pose in the future due to the fact that no long term research has been able to be conducted. However, the main argument is that E-Cigs are healthier than regular cigarettes, not that vaping is completely harmless. One of the main factors of this argument is that electronic cigarettes don’t contain nearly as many chemicals as a standard cigarette, which is undoubtedly true. Cigarettes are known for having thousands of obscure chemicals including tar rat poison, and arson depending on what brand you buy. On the other hand, certain E Cig companies only make their juice with nicotine salts and FDA approved food grade glycerol (Juul Vapor ) so you can really feel like you know what you are putting into your lungs. Opponents of the electronic cigarette have proposed arguments and studies against the E cig, the most popular of which is the ‘Popcorn Lung’ debate (Popcorn Lung). This study claimed that the presence of Di-acetyl in E-Liquid was responsible for putting someone in the hospital and gave them a case a Popcorn Lung, or in other words caused the shrinking of the alveolar sacs in their lungs. However, this was proved to be a false claim likely supported by the tobacco industry as cigarettes also contain Di-acetyl, except in much higher doses, which was excluded from this particular study. Conclusively, if health is an issue or concern for you at all, you should feel far more comfortable using E Cigs rather than smoking a standard tobacco cigarette.


Design & Culture

For many people, smoking has become more than just that and has evolved into a personal hobby of customizing your electronic cigarette and keeping up to date with the latest and best models, similar to how many people choose to invest their time and money in keeping their computers up to date. Extreme hobbyists even build their own E Cigs with a little bit of know how in electronics. This opened up the doors to unregulated powerful devices that lead to competitions in terms of who could build the most powerful device with the biggest cloud. The culture that surrounds vaping today is massive and their are plenty of people to be met just through the world of electronic cigarettes. If any of these elements appeal to you, it may be time to throw out that last pack and test out societies newest craze, E Cigarettes. For official information and policies on E Cigs check out this site.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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