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What’s the difference: Wi-Fi Booster, Repeater, or Extender?

Having trouble with Wi-Fi signals reaching all corners of the house is one of the most common issues we face. You might have tried and tested many ways to boost up your signals from changing the location of your router to moving it away from electrical appliances. From restarting it over and again to rebooting the router regularly. We won’t say that these tricks have no positive effect on your speeds and signals but these are very temporary fixes and you need something more solid than this.

Try giving a shot to a Wi-Fi booster or Wi-Fi extender. Now the purpose of both the devices is the same i.e. to provide you with quality signal strength but do they work exactly the same? The answer is no. all these devices, booster, repeater, and extender are used for different reasons and to cater to different problems.

But before getting started make sure you’re connected to a reliable internet connection that offers high speeds like Spectrum Select Package, so you’ll know that the problem isn’t coming from the service provider’s end and you need to improve signals of your wireless from your end.

Here is the key difference between Wi-Fi Booster, Extender, and Repeater:

Wi-Fi booster

A Wi-Fi booster works more like a wireless range extender. This device takes the existing signals from your wireless router or access point and rebroadcasts them to create a second range. As the name suggests it boosts up your signal strength by amplifying existing signals. Adding it to your router can give you better signal coverage all around the house and you can sit as far from the router as much you want to without worrying about the signals and speed.

Wi-Fi Extender

A Wi-Fi extender is a device that helps you expand your existing Wi-Fi network. It’s mainly used at bigger houses where your router can’t cover the entire house. It can be a useful way to get better speeds of Wi-Fi without having to pay extra for an expensive internet plan. It is a great device to use if you want to expand the range of your wireless network but it gets affected by various factors including the Wi-Fi demands of your family, distance from your router, and the area that needs Wi-Fi coverage.

But the good part about WI-FI Extender is that they effectively eliminated the Wi-Fi dead zones, are very budget-friendly, and work well with old regular routers.

Wi-Fi Repeater

A Wi-Fi Repeater more or less is the same thing as a Wi-Fi extender as it is used to extend the coverage area of your Wi-Fi network. It also works by taking your existing signals, amplifying them, and transmitting the boosted signals back to you. It rebroadcasts the signals to weaker signal areas where existing signal strength is weak. It is more cost-effective than a Wi-Fi extender.

We are going to answer some of the commonly asked questions and suggest what device you should go for if you are facing the exact same issue:

Ø  What do I do to fix Wi-Fi signals in some parts of my home?

Start with placing your router in a better location where signals don’t get blocked by floors, walls, and ceilings. Place it in a central position from where the signals reach all parts of your home. And if you think your router is placed in the ideal position and still not delivering its best signals then try with a Wi-Fi repeated or extender. It will extend the coverage of your Wi-Fi network and amplify your existing signals, effectively covering double the coverage area of your Wi-Fi network. After you put a Wi-Fi extender or repeater you will not need to worry about signals reaching different floors and corners of your home or office.

Ø  How do I install a Wi-Fi Repeater?

Installing a Wi-Fi repeater is a no-brainer task, all you need to do is place the repeater in a location where it can receive an existing Wi-Fi network and connect it to a power supply. Then log into the Wi-Fi repeater from your computer or laptop, add in the credentials of your existing Wi-Fi and you’re good to go.

Ø  Updated my router by coverage is still unreliable, how can I fix it?

If you have updated your router, rebooted and reset it and it’s still not delivering your required coverage then it’s time for you to get a new router. Getting a new router means you’re getting an upgraded and the latest versions of something that’s present in the market. And if you still don’t want to do that then give it a try to Wi-Fi boosters. Place it between your traditional router and the areas in your home where you need better signal strength. This can improve your signal coverage and make it more reliable.

Wrapping it up:

Now that you know the basic difference between a Wi-Fi booster, repeater and extender you know what to go for if you face any issues with your wireless signals or coverage around the house. We still recommend that you start by having a reliable internet service delivered at your place so you do not face any speed issues from the service’s side.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.