When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

Your heating and air conditioning systems are some of the biggest blessings in your home. On a cold, winter day, you can crank up the heat and feel nice and toasty inside. Likewise, on a burning day in August, doesn’t it feel nice to walk into a fresh, air-conditioned home? Temperature control in your house is great for your overall health, but these HVAC systems weren’t built to last forever.

If you’re starting to notice some fluctuation in your thermostat or that your gas furnace isn’t operating successfully, you may start asking when is the right time to replace your furnace. Repairs and tuneups can only get you so far. When you find yourself calling the handyman every few months, it may be time to invest in a new system. While that example is fairly obvious, there are plenty of other reasons for you to look into getting a newer furnace model. Read below to understand a few reasons why a replacement may be your best option for moving forward.

It’s blowing cold air.

The whole point of your furnace is that it helps heat your home. If you notice air vents are blowing cool air when it is supposed to be hot, that may be a sign your heater is breaking down. There are several different reasons why cold air may be coming out of the vents. Maybe it’s because older furnaces use pilot lights, which can go out and cause problems. Maybe there is condensation or clogging in your drain lines. Maybe your gas connection is weak and you need a better connector or burner. While you can call a technician to take a look at the appliance to solve the issue, it may just be a sign your older gas furnace needs to be replaced with a new furnace.

You have an older model.

When you purchase a home, you’re usually committing to the appliances that are already present. However, that can mean you have an older furnace than you initially realized. These systems have a lifespan of 15-30 years, so even if your system isn’t causing you problems, you should replace it if it has surpassed that range. Plus, newer furnaces won’t have as many of the problems that you’ll find in the older systems because updates have been made and modern furnaces have corrected old problems.

Energy bills keep rising.

Your energy bill naturally fluctuates from month to month, but if you’ve been noticing a big spike in costs, it may be because of your heating system. A faulty furnace uses more energy and is less effective. Older furnaces end up wasting a lot of electricity and you end up spending more money just to keep the thermostat where it’s at. While buying a new furnace now may seem like a costly investment, it will end up saving you more money in the long run.

The unit is making weird noises.

The best appliances are ones you don’t even realize are there. Loud clanging or pops can be annoying to live with. They can also be a sign that something is seriously wrong with your system. If you start to hear popping, rattling, screeching, or loud humming with your furnace, it may be time to call in the experts. They’ll be able to tell you if the issue is a small fix or if you need to replace the system.

An expert told you to.

Unless you understand all the ins-and-outs of HVAC systems, chances are you’ll want to call in experts to give you a final opinion. Just like a doctor can tell you why gut health matters, a technician can help you understand why your furnace health matters. And if an expert tells you it’s time to replace your system, listen to their expertise.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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