When Should You See a Doctor for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding?

Most women have some days when their periods are a bit heavier than normal. Heavy bleeding may be more than just an inconvenience. In some instances, it may be an indication of something much worse. Over 51% of the population in Fair Oaks is made up of women. It, therefore, makes sense that there are plenty of gynecologists. You may need to seek Fair Oaks gynecological care if you have persistent heavy bleeding.

What Is Normal Menstrual Bleeding?

What is considered normal for one woman may be abnormal for another. Most people have a clear definition of what normal is to them. Usually, menstrual periods occur every 21 to 35 days and may last four to seven days. The amount of blood you lose during your period is approximately three tablespoons. Your cycle is considered abnormal if:

  • It lasts more than seven days
  • It occurs less than 21 or over 35 days apart
  • The flow is significantly lighter or heavier than usual
  • You have missed at least three periods in a row
  • You experience too much cramping, pain, or nausea during your periods

There are lots of factors that may affect menstrual bleeding. Some of them include the use of hormonal contraceptives, nutrition, exercise, and general health. The factors could make your period lighter or heavier.

Is It Time to See a Doctor?

You should seek medical help whenever you suspect that your period is abnormal. Seek help if you miss your period or feel dizzy or lightheaded. If you experience menstrual bleeding while pregnant or during menopause, there may be a problem. Other reasons to seek medical attention include:

  • Severe pain
  • Bleeding that requires the use of more than one sanitary pad or tampon in an hour for hours in a row
  • Fever
  • Bleeding between your periods
  • Abnormal hair growth
  • Abnormal discharge
  • An onset of acne


Menorrhagia is a condition that is characterized by prolonged and heavy bleeding. You may have it if you lose five or more tablespoons of blood for more than seven days. You may need to use several tampons or pads within an hour. The condition can take a toll on your life. It makes it difficult to go on with your normal activities and may cause anemia. Other signs of menorrhagia include dizziness, pale skin, and fatigue.


This is bleeding that happens between your normal periods. It may not be directly associated with your regular menstrual cycle. It is a common problem for women nearing menopause and teenagers. The condition may be accompanied by cramps and abdominal pain.

Common Causes of Bleeding Abnormalities

There are lots of reasons why your menstrual bleeding may be abnormal. However, the most common one is age. As you age, you may not ovulate regularly. Lifestyle changes and weight gain are often to blame. Other cause of bleeding abnormalities include:

  • Birth control
  • Endometriosis
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Stress
  • The use of medications such as anticoagulants, steroids, or anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Fibroids
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

In conclusion, you should seek the help of a doctor whenever you suspect that your menstrual bleeding may be abnormal. It may be an indication of more serious issues.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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