Which Medical Conditions Cause Female Infertility?

Infertility is the inability to conceive after one-year of regular sexual intercourse. It is estimated that about 10% of married couples are dealing with infertility of either partner. Male and female infertility contributes a third of the cases of infertility each while the remaining third of the cases of infertility is of unknown cause. It may be hard to rule out the specific cause of infertility and multiple tests may need to be conducted.

Treatment of infertility will depend on the cause of infertility. Treatment given by Max Kamerman OBGYN may include in-vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination, and third party associated procedures like surrogacy and using egg donors or sperm donors. Surgery may also be performed to treat infertility that is caused by structural abnormalities.

How Can You Prevent Infertility?

Watching your weight is one way of preventing infertility because being underweight or overweight puts you at risk of ovulation disorders. You can do moderate exercise to lower your weight but avoid doing very strenuous exercise because they can cause a reduction in ovulation. Smoking increases the risk of infertility and therefore you should quit smoking if you are planning to conceive.

You should also avoid drinking alcohol because alcohol is a risk factor for infertility and can harm your child in case you conceive. Stress management is related to better outcomes after the treatment of infertility. Avoid drinking too much coffee because drinking more than 6 ounces of coffee daily is thought to contribute to infertility.

What Conditions Cause Female Infertility?

Conditions that affect the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, the ovary, the fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the cervix can all cause infertility. Hypothalamic dysfunction can cause infertility because the hypothalamus produces the gonadotropin releasing hormone which triggers the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which are hormones that are necessary for ovulation.

The function of the hypothalamus can be affected by stress and weight changes and it is therefore important to watch your weight and manage your stress levels. The pituitary gland releases the gonadotropins that facilitate ovulation and therefore any disease of the pituitary gland, like pituitary tumors, can cause infertility. High levels of prolactin hormone that is produced from the pituitary block the release of gonadotropins from the pituitary and this can cause infertility.

Ovarian diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can cause infertility by increasing the number of androgenic hormones in the body and is the most common cause of infertility in females. Conditions of the fallopian tubes that cause infertility include infections like STIs, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and pelvic tuberculosis.

The scarring and adhesion formation after surgery of the fallopian tubes can also cause infertility. The uterine conditions that cause infertility in women include uterine polyps, endometriosis, and abnormally-shaped uterus because they affect the implantation of the fetus. Cervical stenosis can also cause female infertility. Some female infertility has no identifiable cause.


Female infertility is an inability to conceive after one year of regular sexual intercourse and can be caused by diseases of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the ovary, the fallopian tubes, and the uterus. Smoking, being overweight, stress, drinking alcohol, and a lot of caffeine are some of the risk factors of female infertility. Treatment of infertility may involve IVF, artificial insemination, and using third parties, like surrogate mothers.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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