Why did the Aeroplane Crash? Consult Best Aviation Attorney to File Claim

The airplane journeys are fascinating! Thoroughly justifying the definition of ideal travel! Giving away the absolute comfort and taking care of every passenger’s need, the aviation crew present in the giant aircraft make sure to reach the highest degree of perfection with their superior arrangements.

We all would agree to the fact, that once we savor the taste of airplane journey, it becomes nearly impossible for us to rely on any other mode of transport. Now there can be a hundred reasons to rationalize this statement. A Corporate executive might prefer the air journey for the simple reason of it offering a quick commute while saving a lot of time. Whereas, a travel blogger might just love it for witnessing the incredible aerial views satiating both his soul and thirst for the thrill.

With all said and done, there is one thing that never gets off our mind when we think of pursuing an air journey and i.e. What if the airplane crashed?

Seeing the history trail of airplane accidents, we can conclude that whenever there has been a plane crash, it has touched the highest point of fatality. Meaning, the passengers boarding the flight to which the incident has taken place have rarely been fortunate enough to deboard the flight alive. The idiom, ‘ Devil has to pay’ goes very well with this scenario signaling the legitimate threat attached to the pleasurable journeys of the airplanes.

Now, it is not meant to make you fearful of getting into the flight journeys. Of course, if a certain event has to happen, it will happen.

There is a lot that we can learn from the past events of airplane accidents. Studying the depth of it, we can easily deduce the underlying reasons for the airplanes to have met the dreadful accidents creating natural fear in our minds.

Here we go:

Human Error:

By human error, we mean that there has been negligence on the part of either the pilot, crew or otherwise that has become the cause of the airplane to get crashed.

Such incident happened in the year 1996, where AirAfrica Flight An-32B of Moscow Airlines, loaded with heavy weapons was not able to properly take off at the right altitude and hit the ground leaving the casualties of 573 in number while injuring nearly 500 people on the ground.

Another incident happened when two aircraft, one from Kazakhstan Military and the other one from Saudi Arabian Airlines collided due to the inefficiency of taking back the proper instructions from their base station. It happened in the year 1996 leaving the casualties of 386 passengers in the flight.

The above incidents give us a solid ground to believe that these accidents occurred due to human errors and could have been avoided had the proper diligence been practiced.

Mechanical Failure:

The most perceived and terrified reason of all is mechanical failure. Needless to state, more than 90% of the people presume it as the only reason behind the aircraft crash where they don’t hesitate to doubt the robust technology and great capabilities of an aircraft to survive the tough conditions.

An incident of American Airlines Flight 191 happened back in the year 1979, where it’s engine broke down during the take-off and the plane crashed into a field.

Machinery failure or mechanical error happens to be one of the causes of airplane accidents but not the only one as discerned by most of us.

Missile attacks:

Political interference has been one of the causes where the aircraft accidentally or on purpose have been hit by the missiles systems owing from the tension between the two nations.

The incident of 1st September 1983, where Korean Airlines Flight 007, scheduled from New York City to Seoul via Anchorage, Alaska was hit by the missile of the Soviet Union which they admitted to having mistakenly been recognized as a spy plane.

The incident dates back to the time when the U.S and the Soviet Union were having tensed state of affairs and gave each other a cold shoulder.


Last but not least, weather too has been a contributor in making the sequel of airplane accidents that we could say is beyond human control. But whole in whole, it is greatly in our reach to study the weather before fixing the schedule of airplanes if wish to avoid such accidents.


After going through all the major instances of aircraft crash, we could deduce that with practicing a little caution and care, it is very much in our hands to further reduce the percentage of casualties arising from the airplane accidents which according to the top studies already contribute to a minute percentage of the total deaths occurring due to the accidents.

A statistically proven fact is that there are 0.07 deaths for every 1 billion miles traveled through the plane compared to 212.57 for motorcycles and 7.28 for cars.

If you are involved in any such instance where you need legal assistance to get over with the liability of an aircraft crash or perhaps to get the justice for the wrongful death, feel free to reach the Ernst Law Group, that has been known for its legal expertise and fine principles in the line of its law practice.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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