Why Ideal Conditions of the Patients and Residual Limbs are Essential for Bionic Implementations

The functioning of bionic prosthetics are completely dependent on electromyographic signals. And the preconditions for such an implementation are numerous. Before a bionic prosthetic installation, quite a few factors should be kept into consideration for best results. Any negligence might result in permanent damage to an already damaged physiology.

A closer look into the working mechanism of a bionic prosthesis reveals that the prosthesis is powered by an on board computer. The computer receives EMG (electromyogram) and movement data with the help of sensors and transcribes it into gestures and hand movements. Source for this EMG data is clearly residual muscles. And a steady flow of neuronal activity from the central nervous system. 

Ideal conditions of the residual limbs 

Length of the limb

Amputations are extreme measures for saving a life. An incurable infection, a badly bleeding injury with no hope for recovery, or maybe a growing malignant tumor can be the motivation for such a decision. Due to the desperation of such a decision, most of the time the amputations don’t even qualify for bionic remediations. Ideally, all the necessary muscle residues for hand movements must be present for a successful bionic arm installation. The length of the residual limb is often the only eligibility criteria in that regard.

Nature of the injury

In spite of being a versatile solution for permanent impairments bionics are limited by the nature of an injury. An amputation including the necessary muscles is unacceptable in the case of bionic installations. Additionally, the integrity of relevant dermatomes is very important. An injury involving the cervical region with significant damage might allow the residual muscles to remain but the functionality of the same will be severely compromised. 

Ideal conditions of the patient

Physical condition

Though most of the bionic enhancements we can avail of today, are fairly lightweight. But the wielder must have a desired amount of fitness. The presence of any neuropathology or orthopedic syndromes is not suitable for a bionic enhancement. The physical condition of the patient must sustain an optimal condition during the calibration process as well. Though there is no definite guideline for the identification of ideal physical condition a prosthetist can help in scaling a potential candidate’s physique. 

Psychological condition

A patient must have the necessary motivation for wielding a bionic prosthesis. The willingness for increasing efficiency in performing a daily task is perhaps the most essential precondition of a bionic installation. 

The presence of a phantom limb or phantom limb pains is also an obstacle in the calibration and installation process of a bionic enhancement. For instance, A phantom limb problem during a bionic arm installation can jeopardize the calibration process and usher a long-lasting functional issue with the prosthesis. It’s been seen, in the case of phantom limb pains a proper implementation of a prosthesis turns down the magnitude of pain. But in the case of an undetected phantom phenomenon, the positive promises of bionics can backfire.

A bionic prosthesis is indeed the solution for quick rehabilitation of patients with missing limbs. And ideal conditions, most of the time is a rare luxury for a prosthetist. But, unlike the physical conditions thorough assistance over a long period of time can alleviate the psychological ordeals of a patient. 


Before wielding a sophisticated bionic technology, a patient should have a clear idea of the processes and limitations of the prosthesis. A good bionic device is made while keeping in mind the extreme scenarios but the awareness on the patient’s behalf is essential for effective maintenance. 

A bionic prosthesis is considered a life-changing enhancement. But only with proper handling and care, the tech can serve its purpose consistently for a long period. Additionally, following the recommended service schedule by the manufacturer is essential for a good performance from the prosthesis in day to day life.


Relevant neuropathologies

An extensive investigation regarding the presence of neuronal disorders is required before a bionic installation. Especially progressive diseases of genetic origin like ALS and Parkinson’s can present inconveniences. The presence of seizures and tremors in the residual limb can also prevent having an empowering experience. 

A complete and thorough diagnosis by an expert can reveal these issues beforehand and the possibility of treatment can be explored.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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