Why is ED spreading so fast in western nations?

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There are very few disorder and ailments which have been leading the charts with the rise in cases every year, across the globe. One such disorder is Erectile Dysfunction or ED, the reason for many divorces, job losses, and even suicides. This went above the head of many people as to how one disease can have an impact on marriage, job, and even psychology of a person?

But it does, which we shall elaborate on later in the article. Every nation of the world has cases of ED, which are increasing at a considerable pace each year. But to a surprise, it was found that especially in the western nations the cases of ED were seen upsurging in the fastest mode. Now, this is quite alarming because of most of the developed nations of the world in the west.

What leads to ED?

Erectile Dysfunction causes the penis to not receive the erection, despite the sexual stimulation. The main cause of the penis getting erected is the rush of blood into it at the time of arousal or stimulation.

If the penis gets enough blood, it gets erected if not, then no erection at all. This is as simple as that. In ED due to various reasons such as smoking, alcohol consumption, fast food, mental illness, etc., the blood circulation in the body is affected which impacts the erection.

Hence, the only solution to treat ED is to ensure a smooth flow of blood in the penile region at the time of stimulation.

Reasons which have made the ED spread rapidly in western countries

Unhealthy eating habits

As we mentioned earlier that one of the reasons for Erectile Dysfunction was to be a junk food lover. This increases your chance of becoming an ED patient many folds. In western countries, most of the youth are suffering from obesity.

And as we know obesity invites various other disorders to the body such as diabetes mellitus. And these two are more than enough for being an ED patient.

This does not mean that obesity and diabetes mellitus are only found in western countries, but in developing and underdeveloped countries the main problem is malnutrition. Whereas in developed countries which mean, majority of the western countries the main problem is overnutrition.

In the west, most teenagers regularly have a hamburger, pizza, pasta, or French fries. But in developing countries, the frequency is much less, such as once a month or mostly two times a month. Most of the time people in developing and underdeveloped countries have their staple food all the time.

So, one can see the change which food brings in our life. Take measures quickly or one could end up taking

Being addicted

Now coming to another main reason is the level and madness towards the addiction. In the 1980s hippy culture started in the United States of America, where the majority of the youth used recreational drugs like cocaine, heroin in bulk. And to the extent that it became seen as a revolution and a change.

Even now, the USA is the largest consumer of illegal drugs in the world. These are made by Colombians and transported by Mexicans into the territories of the USA. Even now, most of the youths are not out of addiction and continue to take the substances.

Addiction disrupts the natural functioning of the body; the brain creates a hallucination where the person escapes from the harsh realities of the world. Therefore, one is bound to face difficulty during the erection of the penis, as most of the important secretions are halted due to poor coordination between the brain and the organs.

Unsound family life

This is one such reason which makes the person unable to satisfy his partner. As we discussed earlier, mental illness or being disturbed psychologically also prevents an erection.

This is common, take for example you fought with your friend just a few minutes ago. Do, you have a sexual drive? No, because your mind is now concentrating on something else, therefore no stimulation will take place and eventually no erection.

A happy family life, where the spouse, family members, and friends are cheerful and supportive sees a successful married and sexual life. In the west, most teenagers and youth get separated from their parents and live with their partners. And at such tender age maintaining a relationship is not easy, this leads to tensions, regular quarrels, which ensures disturbance of mental peace.

Sam Wilson

Sam Wilson did master’s in English literature and is now perusing M. Phil in the same field with a desire to be the best writer and share his thoughts with the World.

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