Why Pregnant Ladies Should Not Cry?


Most pregnant women cry due to hormonal changes, anxieties, or fear. But if the crying spells are persistent that can negatively affect the unborn baby. However, by undergoing treatments pregnant women can deal with crying spells and recover completely.

Why crying is a strict no-no for pregnant ladies?

Most women go through a sea of emotions during their pregnancy period. Hormonal shifts can cause fluctuations that bring changes in brain chemicals that are responsible for regulating moods. So, if you are having crying spells, you are not the only one, you have other mommy-to-be who are in the same boat. Here’s the reason behind what causes these mood swings during pregnancy, and why you shouldn’t cry.

What causes crying during pregnancy?

A naturally sentimental or emotional woman cries more during pregnancy. Even those who rarely weep are taken by surprise by their frequent spells of cry. Here are the reasons behind crying during different stages of pregnancy.

First trimester

Some women have crying spells throughout their pregnancy period, whereas most of them cry only during the first trimester and it is mainly caused by the secretion of estrogen and progesterone hormones. Apart from hormonal fluctuations, the fact that pregnancy brings about a lot of uncertainty and it is undoubtedly a major life change also contributes to the anxiety and mood fluctuation in expecting ladies. For example, in the first trimester it is surprising to find a pregnant women shed tears because of exceeding happiness and within a short span of time also start crying because of the mounting fear related to her baby’s fetal development.

Second and third trimesters

Hormonal shifts sometimes continue into the second and third trimesters as well causing crying spells. Moreover, as their body changes fast, their mood stands on the edge during this time and very usual day-to-day events become stressful and causes uncontrollable outpourings.

In the third trimester when women are on the verge of ending their pregnancy period, a lot goes on in their minds. They ponder a lot over finances, labor, delivery, nursery, and get panicky due to this added sense of responsibility and these of course takes their emotional quotient takes a beating.

Why pregnant ladies shouldn’t cry too much?

Frequent and prolonged crying spells can cause a more serious problem. It can also be a symptom of prenatal depression or other mental health problems. Usually, depression triggers many other symptoms like

  • Difficulty in concentrating

  • Loss of interest in favorite activities

  • Loss of appetite

  • Feelings of worthlessness

  • Feelings of guilt

  • Sleeping too little or too much

  • Thoughts of harming yourself or the baby or others

Women with a family history of depression and who were previously diagnosed with depression are at a high risk of developing depression during pregnancy. In case a pregnant woman suffers from these symptoms, she should consult the doctor immediately.

How to treat crying spells during pregnancy?

Since hormonal shifts can’t be controlled during pregnancy, proper steps need to be taken to ease the effects of these hormonal fluctuations. Here’s what pregnant ladies should do to combat depression and weepiness.

  • Get adequate sleep of 7 to 9 hours

  • Be physically active and do gentle exercises to improve mental health

  • Go for walks, take a low-impact aerobics class or swim

  • Talk to other moms or pregnant women to exchange personal stories, share advice, and provide each other with emotional assistance

  • Get support through online or local groups

Can crying and depression affect an unborn baby?

Crying occasionally don’t usually harm the unborn baby. However, more severe depression during pregnancy may increase the chance of preterm birth and/or low birth weight.

Depressed expecting women tend not to take adequate care of themselves. They at times don’t eat enough or follow a healthy diet and hence deprive themselves and their baby of nutrients during crucial stages of pregnancy. They may also skip prenatal appointments they do not move around just to avoid going out. And due to all these negligences, the baby in the womb does not get enough care and nurturing.

Depression during pregnancy also increases the risk of postpartum depression (PPD), which adversely affects the bonding with the baby.

By talking to doctors, depressed women can undergo counselling and other pregnancy-safe treatments and thus improve their quality of life during and post pregnancy.


Oftentimes, depression during pregnancy resolves on its own. But if symptoms last for more than 2 weeks and you feel that you have mental health concerns, you should make an appointment with your doctor. Your physician is your best advocate when it comes to dealing with crying spells, overcoming depression, and ensuring that your baby is getting adequate care.

Author Bio: Ratnajit Roy has been associated with the health industry for a long time. In his leisure, he loves writing articles. Through her articles, you can obtain knowledge on Health care tips, various stem cell preservation, cord blood banking, stem cell banking benefits.

Justin Carlos

I am Professional writer, editor and blogger, I really like to spend my full time to write new idea which i think.

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