Why should you consider upgrading your surveillance camera system from analog cameras to IP?

In the event that you were wondering about maybe upgrading all your analog cameras for your surveillance to IP, then there are a lot of different factors which you need to consider. While the gap in the prices between the two have come quite little in recent times, there are however certain advantages and also disadvantages of analog cameras which should reflect the reason why you must switch to IP cameras. Although, whether you use analog or IP cameras depends largely upon the particular needs of your company in the end. This article will highlight to you why you should consider switching from analog to IP cameras for surveillance.

IP cameras are currently dominating the markets. It is understandable that if you have been using the analog camera for some time now and that it suits the requirements of your company, however, to invest new money in buying an analog surveillance system would really not be justified.

The benefits of analog cameras:

  1. Costs: One of the most obvious reasons for sticking with an analog system is its price tag. Analog cameras will tend to be quite cheaper and especially when the number of cameras you buy increases.
  2. Larger availability of installers along with vendors and sellers: Because of the fact that analogue cameras have been around for a great many years and because of the fact that these are fairly easy to install, so people, in general, will have a much easier time trying to find an installer, also a vendor for such cameras.
  3. Simple and easy to use: Analogue cameras are quite easy to use and function, they will send the recordings to a DVR or a Digital Video Recorder which will then convert the analog to the digital format and then store it. Digital Video Recorders are also easy to set up and then run.

The technology has got quite better. High Definition or HD analog has greatly improved the quality of the picture and the resolutions. You will be able to get four and six-megapixel cameras which will be high definition analogue, and that is really quite impressive.

How does an IP camera differ from an analog camera?

  1. The frame rate and the quality of the images: The frame rates of IP cameras are higher than that of analog cameras. In areas which will have quite a lot of movement or where you may require seeing what is going on in finer details, an IP camera will outperform an analog camera. There can also be certain situations and areas, where the image quality may even not be a significant factor of concern, and hence, depending on what your application is there will be a lot of moments where you can feel that you do not require to have high frame rates. However, there will be other times when it can seem quite important.
  2. The area of the coverage: IP cameras cover a lot more area than analog cameras can. It will take multiple analog cameras to cover the same range of area as can be done by a single IP camera.
  3. Cables: With analog cameras, you will require a power cable and a DVR cable, but with IP cameras, you will need to have just one cable.
  4. Lack of any encryption: Analogue cameras do not provide encryption which IP cameras provide.

The Benefits of having IP cameras:

  1. A lot of sensors: IP cameras will have the capability to have three and even four cameras inside one, which will be able to cover areas which may, in general, take a lot of cameras to cover. You will be basically running multiple cameras from a single device. They will go in reality as one signal through a single cable, and it also cost you one license only.
  2. Costs have also gone down a lot: Just like other types of technology, the IP cameras will have their prices reduced greatly since the time they first came in the market. You will be able to spend more money to get high-end IP cameras, but you will also be able to get quite a lot of excellent entry-level IP based cameras for a decent amount of money. Also, you might need a lesser number of IP cameras for doing the same job that multiple analog cameras would have done. Thus, your investment in IP surveillance cameras will be cost effective.
  3. The ease of installations: Where analog camera will take 2 wires, IP camera will only take a single wire for both the data and the power. This wire will connect to a network switch, and thus you will not require power at your camera’s site. You will be able to focus and also zoom in from remote locations. Once it has been installed, and as long as you have got the camera angled at the place where you want to have under surveillance, then you will be able to control the focusing remotely from your workstation.
  4. The resolution: The resolution in the cameras will keep becoming better with time. IP cameras have a superior quality of images compared to analog cameras. You will be able to get different cameras with varying resolutions and customizable aspect ratios for your requirements.
  5. Securities: Videos from IP cameras are encrypted, and it is also authenticated, and hence the transmission is completely secured and free from getting tampered with.
  6. Lesser equipment: Whereas in an analog camera you will need to have encoders or decoders, there will be no requirement for that with an IP camera.

You should consider upgrading your old analog surveillance system to a new IP video surveillance system as soon as possible.


Although analog cameras are cheaper and are easy to get installed, IP cameras offer higher resolution and come with exclusive features. You can try switching from analog to IP surveillance cameras for betterment.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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