Why Should You Get a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are caps used to cover a tooth and come in the shape of the tooth. Dental crowns encase the tooth fully and help improve the shape, appearance, and strength of the tooth. Dental crowns are cemented to the tooth, which means that you cannot remove them like the way dentures are removed. So dentists can only remove dental crowns.


There are different types of dental crowns like those made from stainless steel, all-resin crowns, all-ceramic, all-porcelain, and those from other metals like cobalt and nickel. To check whether you qualify for a dental crown, the dentist at crowns and bridges in Richmond will examine you and assess whether you would benefit from a dental crown and advise you about which type of crown that is good for you.


How Do Dental Crowns Work?


Crowns are cemented on the tooth and act as a cap over the tooth. The crowns are made in the shape of the tooth, and they help improve the shape of a tooth. A dental crown can also be placed on top of a dental implant to provide the tooth-shape and structure and, therefore, help enhance the implant’s function.


Some dental crowns can be made to match your teeth’ color like the porcelain tooth crowns, which makes them attractive. Stronger dental crowns are preferred when it comes to the teeth at the back. The dentist will recommend which dental crown is good for you.


Are there Complications with the Use of Dental Crowns?


After the procedure, you may experience some tooth sensitivity because of the effects of anesthesia. You may also experience some heat or cold tooth sensitivity. If the tooth crown has been put too high in the tooth, you may experience some pain when biting food. The dentist may recommend that you use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth if you are experiencing sensitivity, but the dentist should fix the tooth crown if you have pain.


The dental crown may sometimes chip, and if the chip is small, it can be repaired using resin. An extensive chip of the dental crown will require the replacement of the dental crown. A loosely put dental crown may allow bacteria to leak, which can cause tooth decay, and therefore, if your crown becomes loose, you should have the dentist look at it.


You can also have an allergic reaction to a dental crown, but this is an extremely rare complication. Sometimes a dark line may develop on the gum line after a dental crown is inserted, which causes cosmetic problems, and the dentist may have to replace the crown. To avoid these complications, you should visit a qualified dentist.


Why Do People Get Dental Crowns?


Dental crowns help to protect weak teeth from breaking because they strengthen the tooth. Dental crowns also have cosmetic uses like covering discolored teeth or improving teeth that have lost their shape. To save a tooth that has been severely damaged by tooth decay, the dentist may recommend that you get a dental crown.


Dental crowns also help to hold dental implants and bridges in place. They also replace large fillings where only a small portion of the tooth remains. Dental crowns are also used to cover a tooth after a root canal.




Dental crowns are tooth caps that cover the tooth and come in the shape of the tooth. Dental crowns can strengthen weak teeth or cover discolored teeth or teeth that have lost their shape. Rare complications of dental crowns include chipping, becoming loose, and tooth sensitivity. Consulting a qualified dentist can help you to avoid these complications. The dentist will recommend which dental crown is good for you.


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