Why Temperature Control is Vital in Food Storage Facilities

Accurately controlling the temperature of food is vital throughout the supply chain from production through to storage and shipping. Otherwise, you run the risk of the food not being safe for human consumption and levels of bacteria in the food products rapidly rising.

Fresh goods, cooked items, and meat products are all particularly high-risk food items and cannot be stored at room temperature in the same way as dried and canned food items can. Because of these requirements, cold storage facilities have long played a key role in food production and storage, with the demand for them soaring, even more, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased regulations and safety measures it has resulted in.

Providers of industrial solutions, such asĀ Ambrey Baker, are installing more and more cold storage solutions as food suppliers adapt the way they operate and focus more on both safer and longer-lasting storage solutions for the goods.

Of course, several different elements must come together to create an efficient and accurately regulated temperature-controlled environment. To find out more about what these elements are, read on.


The first, and arguably most important aspect of any cold storage facility is proper insulation. Otherwise, all of your design and engineering efforts will be in vain, and the cooling systems will have to work overtime to maintain a consistent temperature.

Thermal insulation will make it far easier to regulate the temperature inside the facility and keep this at a constant. It will also protect against heat transfer both in and out of the area, conserving energy consumption. To achieve optimal thermal insulation, you must work with the right contractors as design, installation, and material choice all have a critical role to play.


These days, industrial food storage facilities are a high-tech affair and rely on the latest innovations to maintain a temperature-controlled environment. Combined with intelligent design, and top of the line insulation materials, this creates an incredibly efficient environment that will not only keep food items fresh but also conserve energy in comparison to older cold storage systems.

Improved energy efficiency and cooling are both achieved through the utilization of technological advances that minimize human error. From electronic temperature controls to automation of whole cooling systems, investing in the latest innovations and technical solutions will more than pay for itself in the long run.

Another benefit of investing in technology is that you can choose to calibrate different areas of the same facility to different temperatures, allowing businesses to store a broader range of goods. For example, fresh fruit and vegetables require a slightly different temperature for optimal storage than fresh meat and seafood, so being able to store these in separate areas will ensure that all products retain their freshness for longer.


Fire protection is one area of cold storage facilities that is often forgotten about, or not mentioned with the same level of importance as other aspects of building design. However, like with any commercial facility, it is essential that your goods are protected and that you have peace of mind knowing that should the worst happen, your inventory will not be damaged.

Commercial fire doors are designed to be resistant to heat and fire for several hours, offering businesses owners precious time to deal with the issue before it gets out of hand, or takes over the entire facility.

Christina Woodard

Blogger and Enthusiastic Writer.

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