Why Therapy Is Necessary and 3 Signs That You Need To Give Therapy A Go Ahead

We have all had the stress looming on our shoulders after a long day, emotional distress after someone passes, or mood swings with hormonal imbalance. It can be because of various reasons, both personal and professional.

Yet each time, we strong humans bounce back – but sometimes we don’t.

We cannot just snap out of it like before, and you need to know that it is completely alright.

No ropes are pulling you; you can take it slow.

Sometimes your mental and emotional issues can show up, and the reasons may be obvious, and those are easier to tackle when you know the triggers. Sometimes there are deep-rooted traumas that need to be looked into deeper.

What is Psychotherapy? 

Whenever people hear “therapy”, it is often associated with – mental illnesses.

However, talk therapy is helpful for anyone going through stress because, in therapy, you can talk your heart’s content about what you feel, and the therapist know which places to nudge you to get out your true emotions and triggers.

According to researches, the benefit of going for therapy has long-lasting effects. You need to understand that therapy tries to find the root causes of your stress and deal with it.

Think of it like waxing and shaving. Shaving here is medication; it helps you along the journey by shaving off the stress for the moment, but it grows back sometimes even denser.

Waxing, aka therapy, is pulled out from roots; hence the results are more fruitful, and therapy teaches you how to deal with the symptoms making you not require further treatment.

Without therapy, the statics of suicide is alarmingly high. 9 Australians die each day due to suicide, and the age ranges are from 15-45!

If you are confused if you need therapy, this blog will help you to clear the air. Let us find out.

You Are Emotionally Overwhelmed

We all feel sad, angry and anxious as we humans, but the intensity of how much you think these emotions determine your mental state.

If you are mostly angry, it can be a sign of depression. Sometimes when someone seems aloof and alone plus disinterested, it can be clinical depression. You might not always want to express these emotions to your dear ones because you fear you might look vulnerable.

But the beauty of therapy is that you can be vulnerable with your feelings, and only then you will receive help and get better.

You Have Sleepless Nights

Often because your head is racing, it is common to have sleepless nights.

Even though you seem tired, you cannot fall asleep, and sleep is very important for proper rest the next day or you are bound to wake up with fatigue.

You Have Experienced Trauma 

Trauma can change people; it can be any trauma – emotional, physical or even sexual abuse trauma.

Most people avoid talking about these sensitive issues, and over time, they bundle up, and therapy allows you to have a window to talk about this to a specialist free of judgment.

A therapist can help you cope with your feeling about the event and learn techniques like CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) that can break your association with the trauma and move ahead in life.


Because you may not want to be vulnerable, the first step toward therapy may be the most difficult. However, the first step will lead you down the path where you will have someone listening to you and assisting you with the roadblocks to living a better life. There are some great psychologists in Adelaide to guide you through this whole process.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.