Why Trying Out CrossFit is a Must

If you know anything about the world of fitness, you know about the CrossFit wave that’s crashing on us all like a tsunami. What at firs looked like a total fad workout, has actually transformed the industry for the better. Recently it’s actually become a recognized sport because of the CrossFit games, which are growing in popularity. While you don’t have to have a goal of making it to the World CrossFit games, you should definitely give it a try.

Gyms all over the country and now across the globe offer CrossFit classes. You can find gyms in just about every state, including a CrossFit West Hollywood gym called Brick.

What makes CrossFit different from other workout routines?

CrossFit is completely based on functional movements that are performed in intervals at a high intensity. The goal of the regime is to maximize the amount of work that are done in the shortest amount of time. These simple yet tough workouts are usually done for time or to meet a certain amount of repetitions. There are ways to keep scores in order to compare to other CrossFit members.

How is CrossFit going to change my life?

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again, CrossFit is a lifestyle, not just a simple workout routine. The first thing that’s going to happen is you’re going to realize how truly out of shape you are. If you’ve never trained at an intense level before, your first few sessions are going to be stretching and getting down the most basic movements. You’re going to have to take many more breaks than you anticipated and you’re going to sweat like you’ve never sweat before. Prepare to take a ton of baths and some very long naps when you first start with CrossFit

You absolutely need a certified instructor when it comes to CrossFit, which is why every gym that overs the class comes with one of these. The instructors are most likely going to be some of the fittest people you’ve ever seen in real life. So even if you’re not exactly obese, you’re going to realize how fit you can be if you put in the work. These people might weigh less than you, but they’re going to be able to lift much more than you and work at a faster pace. It’s just great motivation to get better, because you know exactly what they’re doing to obtain the body they have.

Here’s your warning: if you’re doing CrossFit to lose weight, don’t look at the scale too often. You’re bound to gain muscle mass while doing these workouts. Muscle weights more than fat, so do the math. You’re probably going to see an increase in the number on the scale during your first few weeks at least, but it’s okay! You’re burning fat and gaining muscle. This is healthy, normal, and great for long-term weight loss. Don’t get spooked if this happens to you. You’re bound to feel better too even if the number is going up at first.

You’re going to feel more energized after you get past the hump of absolute defeat. Yes, you’re going to sleep like a baby after your first few workouts, but once you get used to the energy it takes to complete a workout, and get healthy meals in you post-workout, you’re going to feel great.

It’s going to take a good amount of time, but you’re going to learn to be mentally tough. Some of the workouts of the day are actually grueling. With that in mind, CrossFit always motivated you to perform the work at your own pace in order to get it done. When you get in the groove, you’re going to want to push yourself against other people in the class as well as yourself and your own personal best times.

CrossFit is here to stay, so if you haven’t already, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon.

Sumeet Thakur

Sam T. is a digital marketer and freelancer on Up work where he talks about digital marketing case studies, tips, techniques, and more.

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