Why You Don’t Need to Hate Your Adult Braces

“Metal Mouth.” “Brace Face.” Those are some silly names teenagers call each other as they suffer through orthodontic care and wearing braces to straighten their teeth. While it’s common enough to see an adolescent wearing braces, it may seem surprising to have a conversation about getting braces as an adult.

Orthodontic care has reached out to adults not only to address problems that may not have been fixed earlier, but also to achieve proper bite alignment. Most adults are happy to be finished with any sort of orthodontic care, and they go to the dentist reluctantly and only out of necessity.

But good oral hygiene doesn’t have to be miserable, and if you’re an adult who needs braces, you should be thankful your issue can be addressed. Count your blessings, and have some fun with it. There’s no reason you have to hate your braces — instead, hate why you need them.

Reasons Adults Need Braces

You need braces usually because your dentist alerts you to a problem and refers you to an orthodontist. Here are some of the possible reasons your dentist may have noticed.

  • Crooked teeth which were never treated
  • Recurring issues from not wearing a retainer
  • Jaw pain or pressure from crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth or large gaps
  • Malocclusion, when your bite is off and your teeth don’t align correctly

Having straighter teeth will mean a healthier mouth. Properly aligned teeth are easier to brush and floss. Maybe you’re used to keeping your mouth closed out of fear others will notice your crooked or badly worn teeth. Having a more beautiful smile will increase your confidence.

Putting off the problems your dentist or orthodontist informed you of will only make your mouth less healthy, and exacerbate any pain you are in. Find out what your treatment options are and choose one.

Orthodontic Treatment Options

Orthodontic treatment hasprogressed and developed and has given us options. You can certainly opt for the traditional metal braces, but you have other choices.None of them are cheap, so pick something you can live with.

  • Metal Braces: These are what you probably picture when you think of braces. This conventional correction consists of posts on your teeth and wires to tighten up your smile. You can expect to spend around $5,000 for the entire treatment. Most professionals and patients choose this option because traditional wire braces are effective and less expensive than the newer treatments.
  • Incognito Lingual Braces: This type of braces consist of posts on the back of your teeth that cannot be seen when you smile. “Lingual” refers to the tooth surface next to your tongue, which is where the posts are placed. These cost almost twice as much as regular braces, but might be worth it if you’re sensitive about your appearance.
  • Invisalign: Invisalign is a brand-named orthodontic product. These are clear trays you put in your mouth which are custom-fitted to the shape of your teeth. The good news is they can be removed, but there’s also a downside to removable braces. Not only do they cost more, but you have to be disciplined enough to wear them daily. You don’t want to pay for them, not wear them and have no improvements in your orthodontic health.
  • Ceramic Braces: Ceramic braces are the same concept as metal braces, but they have tooth-colored brackets that aren’t as visible to others. You can even get wires that match the color. These are more expensive than metal braces, but just as effective.
  • Veneers: Veneers are porcelain caps which are adhered to your teeth to address gaps, fill in spaces, make teeth look bigger or cover stained teeth. These can cost a couple thousand dollars per tooth, but can permanently repair lifetime tooth issues without any maintenance.

There are many options to think about, but don’t worry. Your orthodontist can recommend the best solution for your needs. Maybe vanity will make your decision for you, or perhaps your finances. You’ll likely be wearing your braces for at least a year, so treat your mouth to whatever remedy it needs and don’t hate your braces. Be glad it’s still an option for you as an adult, and be glad you can afford them.

Sometimes we live with problems for so long that we can’t even imagine what it would be like if they were fixed. Imagine being rid of jaw pain, or having a bite that aligns just right — or looking in the mirror to see a perfectly aligned grin beaming back at you, with no gaps or crooked teeth. Plus, if you have metal braces, people might mistake you for a teenager. Enjoy that while it lasts, and when it’s over, you can love your new, improved smile.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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