Why you should consider automated HR


HR is a crucial part of every business, and you need the right tactics if you are going to have a positive outcome on your business from your HR efforts. If you don’t, you could risk losing key employees, getting into legal battles, and having a company culture that does not promote growth. So use these tips to get automated HR going for you in your company:

Identify Key Areas to Automate

Without knowing exactly what you are aiming for, you cannot achieve improvements in your HR automation. So your first step should not just be to jump in and start automating everything. Instead, identify the few key areas that your business needs to get more efficient it. Then, the following steps will help you fill in the gaps. And as a bonus, it will take less time because you have already laid out a road map.

Use the Right Software

Human resource software can save your team a lot of time. And when your employees are paid hourly, this can really add up to your labor costs. That is not to mention that that time could be used elsewhere to improve your business in other ways, so there is a profit issue to consider as well opportunity costs.

Take Care of Your Filters

Not every candidate is created equally. And the most effective thing you can do to automate your hiring process is to leverage software to weed out those who do not meet your qualifications up front. Certain certifications, degrees, years of experience, or any other metric can be filtered for. That way, instead of combing through mountains of resumes every day, your team can make a few clicks and see exactly who is left. After all, it takes a lot less time to interview ten people than one hundred.

Automate Your Reference Checks

If you check your references, then you are already ahead of the game in your industry. However, this alone is not enough. You need to automate how you follow up on these references. If your team is spending all day chasing down a former employer, that is time they could be spending elsewhere. Have a simple system defined for how many calls they make, what they ask about the candidate, and how many times to attempt following up before simply throwing the resume in the trash.

Define Criteria and Timelines for Results

New hires can be difficult to judge by your HR. There are so many factors to consider. To avoid having confusion as to whether or not someone is going to work out, sit down with your head of HR and identify the results you want to see from new hires. However, be sure to attach a deadline to this as well. If the new person hits the mark, they can stay on board. If they miss it, they should have a meeting with you or HR and discuss what they need to do to continue being a part of the team.

Regulation and Legal Issues

Depending on the industry you are in, you might have more legal issues than other companies. This can be confusing and time consuming to go through. However, if you use a software or database to run certain promotions, memos, and hiring practices through, you have a shortcut to ensure you’re meeting your regulations. It is a lot better than finding out after the fact that you broke a law and have to pay a fine, or worse. It is also less expensive than hourly billing from law offices who would essentially do the same thing as your HR department.

When it comes to HR, long gone are the days where you had to do everything manually. Today, it is possible to automate key parts of your HR department. This lets you spend less money, have less stress, and get better results than before.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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