Why You Should Pay Attention to What is in Your Water

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You turn on your faucet, run your washer, take a shower, and much more without paying attention to your water, but you should. City water can contain all sorts of contaminants that you should be aware of, which is what the following will explore.

Safer Water

You should worry about what’s in your water because water from the city could have all sorts of toxins and chemicals. The city does a pretty good job of filtering, but they aren’t perfect. You could be exposed to things like chlorine and fluoride, just to name a few things.
Even if you’ve never drunk water from the faucet, you might still be drinking it. For example, if your fridge has an ice maker, then the ice maker is taking water from your regular water lines. You’re still drinking this water, and you shouldn’t expose yourself or your family to it. On top of that, the right filter could make your water safe to drink so that you don’t have to rely on store-bought water.

Soft Skin

The toxins and chemicals that can be found in city water could mess up your skin. Some people experience issues like dry hands. You might notice that every time you wash your hands you need some lotion. This issue will only continue to damage your skin, and no one wants that.
You can have a nice faucet water filter installed to keep your hands safe. You should also consider installing other filters around your home. If the sink water is damaging the skin on hands, imagine what a shower is doing to the rest of your body. If you don’t want dry or rough skin, invest in good water filtration systems.

Improved Cleanliness

Chemical-laden water could make it difficult to clean things. Soap can’t perform well when the water contains chemicals, which is going to make it harder to clean your pots, pans, and plates. You’ll notice soap scum left behind more often, and you’ll notice that your glasses aren’t getting as clean as they should.
All of this will force you to wash more often, and that’s going to waste water. Saving water means you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint. If you are worried about the environment, installing a filter is a wise thing to do. It may seem like a lot to do at first, especially because you have to spend money, but you’ll be saving money in the long run since you’ll use less water when you wash your dishes.


The chemicals in water can affect your body in the long run, and sometimes, city water is polluted with bacteria. This is something no one wants to hear, but harmful bacteria can make it into your water if it’s not filtered properly.
The stomach cramps you felt or that stomach flu someone in your family experienced might not be due to a meal. It could have something to do with the quality of your water. If you don’t want to worry about this, you need to install a good water filter to decrease the chances of this happening.

Better Taste

Chemicals like lead or chlorine can make water taste funny. The right filter should be able to improve the taste of the water in your home. A lot of folks choose to ignore water because it doesn’t taste great. These people may drink sugar-filled juices or sodas instead.
Drinking too many of these types of drinks could increase your risk of developing issues like diabetes among other things. You want to promote water at home but that’s going to be a challenging task if the water you’re offering doesn’t taste good. Water is vital, so everyone might be more inclined to drink it if it’s pure and healthy which is what a good filter will help you do.
Now, you know some important reasons to pay attention to the water flowing into your home and why a filter is a good idea. Don’t put just one filter in your home, such as only a shower filter. To protect your family and yourself, you need a few filters for the water within your home.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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