Why Your Business Needs Outbound Spam Filtering?

If you are hosting a web without any outbound spam filter in such case, there are many chances of getting in blacklist or failing IP reputation. In the near future, you may find some spam issue leading to the unsecure server. Which means your IPs will fell into blacklists. In short, your mailing address will get block, no mail will deliver or receive. Whereas an outbound spam filter will defend web hosts or hosted SMTP from getting in the blacklist and secures the IP standard.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Sending files and info through email has become common on the internet today, everyone is using SMTP as a service on the internet. Most of the systems are using this protocol for sending mail one to another. Basically, STMP is used to sending mails, where post office protocol (POP) and internet message access protocol (IMAP) are being used as SMTP gateways, this retrieves these mails at the receiver’s side.

Furthermore, SMTP is an application layer protocol, where if a client wants to send mail, have to open a TCP connection to connect with SMTP server and then sends the mail to the desired target. In this way the SMTP relay service takes place. However DuoCircle is providing this service.

Here is the question why we actually need outbound spam filtering? Also which is best email anti-spam. Facts are mentioned below.

Maintains the Sanitary IP reputation

This is the vital part of working outbound spam filtering to maintain the clean reputation of an IP. It is really to identify the actual status of an IP and it could be a negative point in front of the customer’s view as compared to other clean IP reputation.

Reduce Blacklisting issue

If there is no use of outbound spam filtering, in such case you may face the issue of getting blacklist. Getting whitelist is little difficult but depends on the offense. However, outbound spam filtering eliminates the blacklisting issue.

Saves from spamming

Outbound spam filtering saves us from getting spam. As according to the 2017 cyber-security report has become more than 50%, the report shows it almost 65%. Yes, you heard right! 65% of email accounts are running around to spam. And obviously, this number is at an alarming stage. By using Outbound spam filtering you’ll be quite safe as it increases the difficulty for spammers. Many new technologies are presents now days to stop spam.

Makes your Email trusted

As clients web hosts rely on email and 100% reliable mail build a trust which ensures the perfect deliverability. If the web host is unable to fulfill this service, then obviously the client will prefer to go anywhere else. Where outbound spam filtering ensures that mail sending is uninterrupted.

Secure your resources

If you are running a small business and obviously you are quite busy with that. At this stage do you have enough time to deal with all such problems like getting blacklisted or spam? By using Outbound spam filtering you can also get into the safe zone. You can simply avoid them all easily and in my point of view, it will be a good idea.

Hamza Hassan

My mission is to ‘make a positive difference in lives of people’. I love writing content and I hope I can use this passion to fulfill my mission.

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